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General Discussion \  What drives you?

What drives you?

General Discussion
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replies 20
following 12
maztang (ryan)   +1y

haha, no man, not at all. no one is mean to me at all, and i get all the help i need from some of the best guys i have ever met. i absolutely love working on my truck. i kind of thought it was funny that i took a 4 hr trip to pick up those parts that no one else in the world would have even thought to mess with. i know how very lucky i am to be able to build what i want. this time last year i was working at o'reilly auto parts making 7 bucks an hr. i had to go to college at night just to collect the g.i. bill to make ends meet. now i make 23.39 an hour, 35 an hour over time (after 40hrs a week) and i work on average 50 hrs a week. i just do a lot of thinking when i go on trips like that about a lot of different things. and when i drove through austin again i got to thinking about the texas heatwave that i went to just a couple months back. i drive my wife crazy because the only thing i talk about is what i want to do next to the truck. life is good.
crazymikey   +1y
Trucks have always obviously been popular up here in Canada,and you don't see many lowered trucks around here. Most are stock,or lifted. However,I work with a bunch of guys that are like hard core into trucks and hot rods,and they all drive modified trucks (98 GMCs,'96 Chev and '85 GMC). One guy used to have a B2200 that he painted flat black and put black AR rims with white letter tires on it and did a 3/4 drop.

Like I said earlier,I like to drive something different,and driving a lowered truck around here is pretty cool. Some people say 'why would you do that? It's a truck,it's meant to be lifted or meant to do work." while I just reply "2WD lower it and 4WD lift it."
phatkix   +1y
the only thing that drives me.........

is that i like custom rides, and i want mine to be killer.

forget all the haters, i just shake em' off and laugh....

the smiles are what to remember.
projekt94 (david)   +1y
this is probably late, but im so far behind its crazy!!!

what drives me?? lets see. being able to be different from the norm, having people turn their heads and give me looks whether it be dirty or excited, little kids yelling at me to make it hop, my wife and kids faces after a sweet drag. just being able to enjoy being a mintrucker and hang out with the coolest family in the world. this is a brothership, a bonding where thousands of people who dont know each other come together as one. theres no greater high that you get when someone comes up to you and say "thats a sweet ride you got there. keep up the good work" hearing someone say that means alot more to me than a trophy telling me "good job" but thats just me. there are alot of people who just want the trophy and thats ok too, just not for me. haters are like a burning asshole, fire their mouths, and burn your pride, but after a day or two their gone. we are all better than that and thats what drives me to be a minitrucker.
mazdamandan   +1y
well said
projekt94 (david)   +1y
thanks \m/
down2earthdawg   +1y
what drives me is the forums not only this site but all the other sites meeting people throwin out Ideas to you guys and get your opinions that and I have no life outside of school I got minitrucks and Vertically Challenged Im gonna drive 1200miles to Turkey Drag this year so I can chill with most of our Texas chapters and show my support for our family
projekt94 (david)   +1y
sweet! whaens turkey drag?
down2earthdawg   +1y
december 2nd and 3rd in tyler texas
cypress   +1y
What Drives me?? well lets see being only 17.... Me, My dad, And my lil brother have been restoring my 1980 Firebird formula for the past 9 years.... Ive just been into everything with working on or with vehicles... when i found my B2 it was a pile........ i wont lie but after some searching and some work it now is what it is... a lil less pile... but i now have a good base on what i want to do to it.... ok so back to what drives me .... well just modifying my truck gives me the drive to do other things... such as putting in a stereo system in the truck will drive me to do an interior hall or putting in a stage 2 clutch drive me to rebuild the top end of my engine with my dad.......... its just one thing leads to another...