Only made them for a couple or three years.I had a 74,1.3 liter 13b rotary engine with a 4 speed.The 75s had the same engine with a 5speed.Only made short bed regular cabs.Hitachi 4 barrel carb with oil injectors as the 13b had no way to top end oil other than thru oil into the fuel.Trucks used about 1 qt of oil in 1000 miles,smoked on start up much as the 2200s do except for different reasons.Had sealing problems in the rotary comb.chamber that was later cured with a diff.kind of gasket.Poor mileage about 13-15 mpg was all u could expect.Ran like stink off poop and would pull a 240z thru all the gears.Suicide hood made it difficult to work on the front end.Battery was mounted in a tray in front of passenger side rear wheel-maintenance nightmare.No room for it under the hood.I stil have a repair manual for one if anyone is interested in the finer details.I wish I still had mine. BJ