I agree 100% with the post on SSM. While I haven't experience much,if any of the negative side that is spoken of.
I'm still relatively new to the scene and with the group of people I have met so far,they have been incredibly helpful,friendly and welcoming. I think it's funny,for instance,where I think at the moment my truck looks like a rolling turd,and other guys are saying it's looking good and stuff like that. You would never,ever get away with that in the tuner scene. If I had like a Mazda 323 or something,all primered up and rolling on steelies,everyone would be like "whoa,what a piece of crap,why would you even drive that?". There is so much hate in the tuner scene,and that's why I left. The attitude is all wrong. I have lost all respect for the tuner scene,and I do not associate myself with it in any way shape or form anymore. I even left a club I've been with for 4 years.
About the partying,well that's something I choose not to do. I don't live the 'minitrucker lifestyle.' I'm not really all about the shows either. I just have my truck and work on it,because that's what I think is cool and that's what I like to do. It's an expression of myself,a way to bide my time and give me something creative to do and I just do it for myself. I only joined Bscene to meet new people and make friends,get some advice and help,and do the same in return. You get what you give right?
I've found this site to have a very close knit family and I hope it continues to stay that way even as the site grows.
And as for Mazdawgydawg,since I personally know him,yeah he's probably our youngest member and can't even drive yet,but the guy has owned more trucks than I ever have and he's pretty knowledgable with some stuff and he's got a pretty good head on his shoulders. He doesn't come in here like a tuner retard hating on people's rides and calling them stupid and acting like a punk....he only does that in person. LOL jk.
Let's hope we can weed out those few bad apples and get everything straight. Respect is something that is earned,not given.