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General Discussion \  women


General Discussion
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87mazdamini   +1y
Ive got one of those girls that think I spend too much time thinking about cars and trucks. Im a service tech... its my job I can't help it!!! So tonight (after arguing about bills) She has finally agreed to let me blow money on my truck I want to bag it and put some 17" escalade rims on it. Should I just Fab it or are the universal weld on four link kits advertised in the back of minitrucking really worth it? Its my daily driver so I have to buy everything first then bust it all out in about a week or so.
nytrdr24   +1y
dude , how did you come out of an argument with a woman & her saying it was alright to spend some $$ on your ride .....savor this win, because there is a missing link to the puzzle & my guess is you'll pay down the line, not just for the $$ you spend on your ride, women are like that, & you won't even realize it till after it happens.....remember the famous last words of a man in a relationship....YES DEAR..... lol haha!

nah, all kidding aside, if your gonna buy some 4-link stuff, figure out what you need to do it, then look @ what the kits offer (parts wise), then price what parts you need to do it seperatly, you may, or may not come out better getting a kit......
silverbody96   +1y

I was asking myself that same question while reading his post!!! Thinking Holy $hit!
87mazdamini   +1y
Yeah I hear ya there, there is always a catch! And it envolved installing some parts on her 2002 celica. Im sure she added a loop hole in the verbal contract too that excempts me from winning any future arguments
hocbj23   +1y
Hot news flash-u aint never gonna win an argument with a woman-verbal or otherwise.Lol.BJ
87mazdamini   +1y
Sad but true...
crazymikey   +1y
hope you've been making lots of sexy time lately,because you probably won't be getting any for a while.... lol

My ex was one of those types who said I spent too much time and money on cars. Hence why she's an ex.
nytrdr24   +1y

haha, lol, see i knew there was a missing link / loop hole! that is cool that she's into fixing up her ride too, at least ya'll have that as common ground..
crazymikey   +1y
yeah man,even if you argue about that stuff,but she's into it as well,she's a keeper.

Like my sig says,it's a fine line between addiction and obsession.
87mazdamini   +1y
Yeah she used to race dirt track with her step dad so cars are in her blood. She says that she just didn't want me to bag my truck cause she thinks its silly. I told her it's my truck and if I wanted to turn it into an airplane I would.