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General Discussion \  how much is my truck worth?

how much is my truck worth?

General Discussion
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replies 24
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bagged2600   +1y
Sometimes you just get burnt out on a project,and would rather someone else finish it or what ever,rather then it just sit and rust away..I can relate I have let a few projects go before,you cant realy keep every project you have forever....
mazdamandan   +1y
I'd prolly give ya 2000.00 for the rolling chassis and driveline, and I would scrap the body out of respect.
I'd keep the glass and grill and all that though.
bagged2600   +1y
^^^Around here you could get that driveline for 200-300,if you are not worried about the body,the body is what makes that truck...
mazdamandan   +1y
yeh they are rare up here, so I'd pay that to have a rolling chassis with a bag system in it already. Save me a lot of time and work.

Chassis, bag system and driveline, complete rolling chassis, all of the mechanicals there, header, weber carb, bag system, good platform to start from as long as the work is done decently.

I would scrap the body or give it back out of respect, cuz thats his "legacy"?
He made a significant contribution to us all by making that truck. I don't wanna take anything away from that.
I dont know how else to say it, but it was his and thats how it should be, I would never do that mod, only cuz its already done.
He deserves the recognition for that, when I build a truck it has to be mine, ya know my ideas work etc. as far as the body styling goes anyways.
bagged2600   +1y
I understand fully what your saying,but keeping the bag system is kinda the same thing,as he built that suspension also,but someone else may feel comfortable finishing the truck,and showing it..the worst thing about selling it would be some punk ass buying it and taking credit for all his hard work.... I say 1500.00 in my area the way it sits,and I hope that is not an insult,cause I have not seen enough of the truck or the work,it may be worth much more...
mazdamandan   +1y

I dont feel that way about the suspension or mechanics, just the bodywork would HAVE TO BE MY creation.
It would suck fer somebody else to get the credit, fer his work, that would be the worst!! Or if they wrecked it!!

But yer right, it depends on the person, maybe he wants to be free of it and let sombody else finish it. Sad when that happens but it does
devb22   +1y
It's hard to get what you want out of something that isn't finished, and even though its SICK AS HECK its gonna be hard to decide on a good price!

Good luck though!

I would pick it up if I had the time to finish it, but I can barely finish my own ride!



luv2sprk   +1y
thanks for the comments, yall kinda inspired me alittle. i might just sell my new truck and keep workin on my old truck. how much u think its worth? it has 160k miles i think and a few dents, no rust, seat is torn perty bad but i have some factory buckets in decent shape. i even have a new set of bags and some pathfinders on the way i could include.

luv2sprk   +1y
while im at it, i might sell this truck too. how much is it worth?

110k miles, open diffs, stock gears, body damage and rust, 35x12.50's

thread post photo
madbagger   +1y
oh man i would buy both if i had a place to put them and the money. ive been wantin a truck to go off road in for a while but i need to finish my own truck first.