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Post pics of your Mazdawgs!

Mazda Projects
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following 357
825_customs   +1y
slammed91b5000: too bad you don't live in the states, I'd love to see this truck in person.
slammed91b5000   +1y

Thanks man. i hope it will look bad ass when its done. probably another few months and it will be done and painted.
miked   +1y
slammed91b5000, isnt kelowna right on the trans canada highway.. is it the town where the highway goes right through the middle n its alll by hills.. ( he highway )
slammed91b5000   +1y

no, its not on the trans canada but hwy 97 goes right thru kelowna and that connects to the trans canada on both ends. its liek a U.
eksessivdragger   +1y
its mostly stock but here ya go

baha   +1y
looks bad ass man and oh is that your daily in the last pic lol
cid (dale)   +1y
Nice truck LaydMazda . I'd slap some clear corners on there and some altezza's for the back. That would look more defined. Excellt truck .

hang time mazda   +1y
thanks for all the props on the truck. grasshopper is pretty cool. as far as what its got for a set up, 3 pumps(1 front,2 rear) 8 batteries, 3.5 ton front springs, 2ton rear. it has hit as much as 70 inches. i have other pics of the truck, but they are pretty much hopping except this one.

bagged89mazda   +1y

man nice draggin marks . lOVE The truck sittin on pinch too great job man . aren't you from az?
eksessivdragger   +1y
thanks for the comments, no im from TN not AZ. I'm not putting clears on my truck(going to shave the corners) and im not going to put altezzas either(really dont like them at all)

it lays pinch for now, going to BD it more whenever i get back from wyotech(start next april) and my trucks going on the back burner for now.