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General Discussion \  Thought of the week

Thought of the week

General Discussion
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mullet   +1y
When I look around in today’s society, I just can’t help but remember how things were when I was growing up. I realize that it wasn’t that long ago, but it’s astonishing and dumbfounding how much things change in such a short period of time. Leaving the doors unlocked when we left the house or car at the grocery store, playing stickball in the “circleâ€
okdraggernc   +1y
What the hell happened to you to light that big a fire under your tail. I hope they survived your wrath.

You do make perfectly good sense though.
blare   +1y
I have alot of problems with the little bastards running around today. My parents always had us in yelling distance of the house and when the street lights turned on you would head on home. I guess I just appreciate what I had more than others because i remember the first time my parents would let me pick a snack out in the grocery store was when I was a sophmore in HS. We shared everything and while everyone was getting playstations for christmas i was still playing my nintendo (the original). We also ate a ton of that Macaronni and Cheese (the kind that came in a black and white box). I am glad for the way my parents raised me and my kids can expect the same kinda crap from me.
thetornado   +1y
i think parents are becoming the largest problem to our society today. parents that are not responsible enough for themsleves, let alone take care and raise children of their own. so dont have kids until u are prepared!!!

my parents raised me with plenty of blessings, but my dad is by far the hardest working individual I know. he is liscenced plumber, also heating and air conditioning. but he def is an all around maintenance guy. anyways, he taught me that i would have to work hard in life to get the things i wanted, but also to appreciate what i have.
kids today get too much handed to them, so they dont appreciate it, and def dont respect others for how hard they work.

it all starts with the parents in my opinion...
slammed83mazda   +1y
thats some deep shit mullet.

what i cant stand in my town is we cruise up and down preston highway and park in parking lots you no the normal, but yet the cops still come and break us up, 95% were doing no harm and if there is a situation it is usually resolved very quickly by other people(as in talking the situation out or asking themt o elave) but yet now even if we pull into the parkin lot were we cruise at on the weekends the cop will automatically pull you over and write you a ticket for loitering what has this come to, this isnt all cops cause most of them that come up there love my truck and others.

Honestly i believe every since the movie the fast and the furious came out it gave some of these kids bright ideas of oh lets street race when theres a shit load of traffic on the highway, or maybe i can drift around this corner and such, its ruining it for the rest of us.

the way i look at it is im out there trying to have a good time not doing drugs or getting drunk or drinking and driving and yet im getting punished for doing things right, i do know loitering is a crime but still i could be doing worse so why cant they accept that?
limequat   +1y
I'm with ya Mullet. And it's not just "kids these days."

BTW, bonus points for using a word that sent me to the dictionary: insouciant.
hybrid   +1y
i agree with you mullet,i grew up a country boy (not ashamed) and grew up with 4 other siblings.i grew up with out a father since i was 5.i think kids today need more respect for things and learn what to appreciate,granit im only 19 but i know what i have and i dont ask for handouts.sorry if im gloating.
mullet   +1y
The reason i went off last night was because i was working, and kids were running all over the store, throwing food around and parents would just look at us and say "kids these days." And 20 min later when they were all worn out the parents would load them in their cars and i had to go clean up the mess. It happens all the time. Well then i went to the grocery store on the way home from work... its like 11:30 PM now and there were 3 groups of people that had kids under 12 y/o. I was astonished, but even still their kids were running around screaming and throwing fits. So I wanted to see what all of you thought, and posted what was supposed to be a little somethin somethin and turned into a short story. LOL my bad
costa   +1y
Yah times really have changed because now you have more drop out kids...mouthy kids getting younger and younger...and divorces. Which all depend on each other parents just getting together because they feel they need someone even tho they have nothing towards each other which they dont realise til their kids are started to grow up..Which also increases the mouthy kids because they see it at home by parents or tv...and also increases the drop outs because they feel drugs and booze is the only thing in this world that will be there to make them happy...

All i know is in my day if i even raised my voice or even tried to complain to get something i would get quickly set back in line..Parents these days just feel to make things right instead of getting their kids to smarten up is to pamper them with gifts..for example im turning 20 and i just got a cell phone that i had to buy myself maybe 2 years ago then you got kids like 14 or less with cell phones and visa's

If i had to vote i would say id like it how it was when i was a kid even if it was stricked
bagged89mazda   +1y
Yes it is true kids are given more and more handouts. I never got everything and anything i wanted .. i also grew up without my father ( from baby on) My lack of a father is due to a drunk state police officer. ... I Have worked hard to get what i want what ever i wanted i 've worked for to a degree .. i've been given somethings but they were hand me downs and i was grateful. Parents today don't keep thier kids in check you can be 5 aisles over and still hear a screaming kid . Shoot Back then if the kid was doing that so damn much the parent got embarassed and took the kid out of the store and took em home . I'VE heard of stories about Greenville ,Ms where ppl said there was 10 year olds and even younger kids out at 11 pm and even later . No control. Why you think the prisions and junvinal halls are getting so full? Your tax dollars at work. Maybe its time to go old school.. chain gangs . i hear they are doing that with juveniles now for community service . they go to jail and get suits and chained together and go on litter patrol on the highways.

I HAVE TO agree with the other guy that posted about parkin in parking lots .. we're not doing a damn thing wrong we're in a lighted parking lot hanging out and not bothering no one . But everyone wants to kick you out . even the places you pay for service rendered (burger ,pizza joints) can't even chill in a parking lot . Gas prices are expensive . not everyone has a home big enough to accomdate friends over - not everyone has money to spend at bowling ally's etc . (you get the point ) What a better way to save money then to sit around with your friends with your rides and chill . Maybe someone should look into doing something like buying a piece of property to hang out at .. if 1 state did that i think it would spear off to modivate others to do the same . IF YOUR on private property then the cops can't tell you to leave. Just show the paper work sayin you can't make us leave -- Its MY or OUR property .

Think about this :

Housing :

There are cities all over the us with housing that is crumbling or housing that is empty that could be rebuilt . does anyone do anything with them? no they board em up and become squatting places for druggies . PPL say screw the city and move to the subburbs . You build your nice HUGE house ACRE TO ACRE and a half property... QUESTION: WHAT THE F*CK YOU think will happen in a couple years? The subburbs become A city ! in a matter of a couple years there won't be any farms to look at or to take the kids to see the animals . Zoo's aren't a natural enviorment farms ARE! ..i see this day in and day out here where i am . sooner or later we'll be growing our produce in warehouses like mushrooms are grown . Your quality of product will go down drastically . This is horrible THE problems this country is having should down right be #1 on the presidents list not Wtf is going on over seas. they have spent so much money and time over the last 20-30 years helping other countries problems they won't have "TIME" to fix the usa's