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General Discussion \  Thought of the week

Thought of the week

General Discussion
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
yeah bro i hear you. i see a lot of shit these days that didn't happen when i was younger. i have 3 of my own daughters now and i will be damned if they act like some of these spoiled little kids i see these days. do you remember when your parents would woop your ass no matter where you were? that is "against the law" these days. i woop my kids ass any time that they act up. you really have to stay on top of things but i see to many parents out there that just let there kids do what ever they want and it irritates the shit out of me. i make sure everyday that i raise my kids right. going to iraq really opened my eyes as to how fortunate we all really are. it is unbelievable how these kids these days really don't know how good they have it.
projekt94 (david)   +1y
damn this is some serious shit. i have to agree with all of you. its funny cuz just the other day i saw this girl had to be atleast 10-12yrs old throwing a fuckin fit, for what? a stupid toy! guys you should have seen this shit, i wanted to walk up to her parents and smack the shit out of them. this lil girl threw herself to the floor kicking and screaming! all the mother did was pick her up and say quit it. now come on, i have 2 kids of my own and like ryan(maztang) sorry, said i would not let that happen. my oldest throws tantrums all the time and i get mad and have to discipline him. parents now days dont becuz its against the law, thats bullshit! now im not saying go out there and beat the shit outta your kid, no, im saying you have to be stern, and sometimes, even though it can hurt like hell you have to be mean. i grew up by myself raising my lil sister, yeah my mom was there but always at work trying to better herself, and my stepdad, well we never got along and still dont but thats another story. i was never really spanked i just had alot of shit taken away. my grandma though, wow! she raised me til i was 5 while mom and dad went to school. id get it from her man, "go outside and get me a twitch off the tree", god i hated it, ( RIP grandma, love ya ) kids today have it made silver spoons born in their mouths. cell phones! does a 13yr old really need a cell phone? how about a credit card?, not only no but HELL NO!!!! i just think that kids have it way to easy today. i dont know if its the parents or the media; tv, radio, internet, etc. kids are taking advantage of the adults, taliking back, hitting, and fighting. shit if i ever raised my voice to my parents SMACK! right in the kisser if my oldest back talks me i smack him or flick him in the mouth not hard just enough to hurt his feelings. i dont really like to do this because he is my stepchild, but the wife says to do it. i can guarantee my youngest will not be like these lil shits running around today. ima make sure that when we're in public or even at home that they have manners, and respect their elders like we had to do when we were young. i wanna run for cps president! i can guarantee no lil kid will be how they are now. spanking enfocred! back talk, swap! tantrums, whoop! ill show these lil bastards what it was like when i was growing up, wroking for everything i owned, never asking or begging! its not only lil kids that have been spoiled by society, but teens too! im not gonna get on that though. well i think ive said my mind. kids have no idea how easy they have it!
mullet   +1y
Its sad to say but we weren't disiplined nearly as much as our parents were... can you only imagine what this next gereration will be doing w/ their kids?