Ive seen plenty of mazdas with the toyota bumpers but a few questions popped up
Did you have any problems with the grill or does it slide in nicely..
Did you have to drill out the holes for the mazda brackets or can i just use the toyota ones?
and if theres anything else i should know it'll be good to know..thanks
I made my own bracket, took about 45 minutes to make and holds it on there nice, no problems with the grill, I have the 4 runner bumper, I have also run the 2 and 4wd bumpers in the past and all fit fine
well if i get the toyota bumper ill pm him for sure then
right now im trying to score a trade for this guys mazda...hes using it as a field runner so im gonna see if i can give him mine for his =D
Yeah, mine doesn't line up for shit. Its okay I guess. I have a chrome valance, and its got surface rust, so that sucks. The aftermarket ones are cheap crap.