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General Discussion \  Where did you meet your G/F ? lifestyle /relationship Q&am

Where did you meet your G/F ? lifestyle /relationship Q&am

General Discussion
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bagged89mazda   +1y
I was thinking . Where do most of you guys meet girls? I know stupid question . I mean seriously tho . example do you meet girls at the car show or do you find em at the mall ?I was sitting here thinking (yea at 6am when i should be asleep) If you are looking for a girl for dating /relationship do you look inside the lifestyle we all love or do you do like our favoriate saying and look out side the box ( Malls, parties,etc) I 'll admitt i answered a ad to see if i would get a response- i'm waiting now as i type .. Now this person she don't mention anything of our culture or the general Automotive hobby what so ever .. I was curious to think if a woman would turn the other cheek so to speak simply cause I live this lifestyle mini truckin - carshows , meets etc. I guess what i'm getting io is i guess i'm askin for advise . I don't know I need some changes to happen in my life and getting a g.f might help me along . then work on getting me another mini to play with again . And get to drag the shit out of it ..

I can say this - I find alot of girls are shallow . Won't think out of the box . Only look for apppearances , money , cars, houses. Well not all but for the most part yes they do. Some think that way til they hit say round 40 and then they think shit . i MARRIED a dipshit just cause he has money and nothing more. No love , no relationship just simply for money. Then they try to fix thier situation at 40 when its almost to late ..theres a difference in tho - why change at 40 when you can be happy from the start ? find someone you truely connect with and marry ? i just don't get the shallowness these days with women .Or it might just be me being the problem . i know i am not prince charming in looks . but i deserve to meet someone who would /should love me for me and is into the same things i am with the lifestyle.

OK - who's gona make a minitruckers personals site ???LOL iam to stupid to try and make a site like that . i have zero computer skills in webdesign lol . OK i feel stupider now .

Going back into a corner and wait for rocks to be thrown .hmm.

hocbj23   +1y
I have a title for the site "Lowered Lifestyle for the Lovelorn".Alternative title "Horny Minitruckers Seek Women with Same Interest".Lol.BJ
baggedb22   +1y
lol, i met mine in the 6th grade and were still together, but she also loves anything modified and lets me work on mine all the time, she likes going to shows more then anything...=)
madmazda   +1y
I met mine at work.
fanninator   +1y
well i met my girlfriends sister (they are twins) in 5th grade then met my girlfriend in like 7th..maybe 6th anyways we started goin out 2 years and a day ago. i have got her into trucks and 4wheelers and she loves all of it now. she just dont want one haha. heres a pic of us right before we left for prom. -bf
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fanninator   +1y
oh yeah and shes not taller than me. she was wearing high high high heels and standing on the sidewalk and i was in the grass so thats why she looks so much taller. im 5'6" and shes like 5'3"
and i made my own cane...heres what the end of it looks like. who need a rubber end when you can have a............
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deer hoof
framedragger2   +1y
well i meet mine at her cousins house, i was dating her at the time, on our first date, i went to pic her up and when i pulled into the drive way and layed out my truck, her jaw dropped to the floor and i had her hooked, now were married and just had a son, we go to truck shows together, she even helps me on my trucks, we are now building a truck together for her.
blare   +1y
Met mine senior year of high school been dating since then. She likes shows, but she hates when Mark and I sit around talking about trucks.
droppedmitsu   +1y
threw a party at my house and thats when I met my g/f. been with her for a year and some. she dont like me for my money or cars thats for sure. funny thing is we used to have a crush on each other back in like freshmen year of high school and neither of us knew it haha
crazymikey   +1y
ummm...I more than happily broke up with my miserable gf of 2 years about 9 months ago. With my job and hours I work,I really don't have time to have a gf right now. I barely even have time for my own life. I have like maybe 1 day a week I can work on my truck,while I work and sleep for the other 6. So really,I dunno where I meet girls. Couple cute chicks at the Tim Hortons I go to by my work for my daily crack,err,coffee... I met my ex in 8th grade,started dating in 11th grade and broke up with her last year.

A good piece of advice I heard a while ago was "always stay with a woman that loves you. She's the one who's a keeper and will stay with you through everything. if you're with a woman who you were interested in,more than likely she's going to be the one that packs up and leaves one day."

In my case,my ex was the one who was attracted to me,but I absolutely despise her. I won't even talk to her anymore.