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General Discussion \  Where did you meet your G/F ? lifestyle /relationship Q&am

Where did you meet your G/F ? lifestyle /relationship Q&am

General Discussion
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replies 42
following 27
hutch75   +1y
I meet my wife of 3 yrs off a chat room on AOL. I was visiting my parents for christmas that year I was bored and got online just started talking to people and there she poped up. Meet her a few days later and we have been together for almost 5 yrs now.
hocbj23   +1y
Met my wife of 45 years playing bridge in the snack room at college. Love at first sight.Lol.BJ
lukeinva   +1y
Met my wife through work. She was our customer I had to call her every day to give updates this and that! Then just flirted and we finally met up! We been together for 5yrs and married for 3yrs in october.
laydoutb26   +1y
i ain't with anyone right now... cuz i just moved and had to break up with my girl. BUT, here in oregon, i been talkin to this chick, we're hitting it off pretty good, she likes mini's which attracted me the most to her. she is my age, she's beautiful, and she has a nice truck... what more could you want?


p.s. in case your wondering... it is ms mini...
we're just talking though...
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
I met mine when I broke up with my ex wife. I actually married my daughters baby sitter. She just happens to be my sister-in-laws friend. She likes the trucks and all but she looks for the more girly pretty things. For example I want to leave my truck in primer and she wants to buy me shiny paint. I knew she was right when two things happened - 1- she took care of my oldest daughter from previous marriage like she was her own. & 2- she bought me a pacesetter header for our first valentines day together. We now have two kids (one together and one from my previous marriage) and have been together for over 5 years married for over 3.
87b2000   +1y
My current wife was my ex-wife's best friend. That was 7 yrs ago & whats mind boggling is they still talk to eachother. Mostly when she is angry with me though.

" Did he do that when he was with you?" " O yea, he did." " He's such a jerk." LMAO
fanninator   +1y
jmz sure has a winner!
crazymikey   +1y

wow....TMI!! She likes it from behind eh?
oldskewlkool   +1y
me and my girl actually met in 7th grade went out for about a week and broke up and got back togather our senior year, weve been togather now for two years and soon to be more than just b/f g/f, and as far as the life style goes this year she finally sees what all the time and detication is for after me workin on my truck for about 8 mos, shes really gettin to figure it out after we just bought her a 86' cab plus bagged up front
slammedmini469   +1y
i met mine while i was working on my old Explorer....her and her friend just came up and started talking to me, turns out she had liked me for like 2 months before i even knew she existed....

i love the girl and plan to marry her