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General Discussion \  Whats up with all the evil movies?

Whats up with all the evil movies?

General Discussion
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hex0rz   +1y
Anyone notice how 80% of the movies coming out now are something about demons or something evil of the like? Even movies purely just about getting drunk or having sex? I can't believe it!

Hollywood is going down the drain. Dare I name all these movies coming out? Because I can name quit several movies that recently have come out. And "coincidently" most of them have been dealing about the christian faith, specifically about Jesus.

Makes ya wonder?
sierrax   +1y
SNAKES ON A PLANE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mark   +1y
schreff   +1y

I wanna see that. It looks real dumb, but I love snakes.
mazdamandan   +1y
stuff having to deal with the occult I don't don't like either, it creeps me out, a lot of entertainment is getting worse. If you are a christian then you believe that armageddon is coming soon, we are in the last days, so a lot of distractions to keep you from god are of demonic influence.
rev 12;9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.
rev 12;12 On this account be glad, YOU heavens and YOU who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.â€
sierrax   +1y
[quote]If you are a christian then you believe that armageddon is coming soon, we are in the last days, so a lot of distractions to keep you from god are of demonic influence.
rev 12;9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.
rev 12;12 On this account be glad, YOU heavens and YOU who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.â€
lowerexpectations34   +1y
im sick of these motherf*ckin snakes on this motherf*ckin plain
pinkmazda   +1y
movies nowadays are aiming at teenagers and scary movies drunk/sex movies and hi-hop movies like atl ect are what they want so thats what hollywood makes they base everything purly on whats going to bring big bucks at the box office and these movies do even tho half of them are pointless and stupid teenagers love them and they wont stop making them till they get played out and kids want something different yea there are some movies that are made for older poeple that actually make sense and have plots but id say 75% of them are just aimed at teenagers cuz right now thats were there going to make there money they dont care about acting or plots anymore or even if the mocvies good they only care if its going to make them richer than they already are thats just my opinion tho other people probly see it different ohh well
mazdamandan   +1y
I am truly sorry if I scared or offended anyone, I was just relating on the subject of evil from the point of view in which the post was reffering, the attack on christianity, and morals.
Not preaching, not pushing, as for spreading, well I can't help but share.
But staying on topic. I think it was invited.
So is it that the main issue, the subject of the post?
If so why did you look at it, or maybe I am mistaken, but thats how I read it.
It makes it hard to discuss a christian ideal, which was the point of view, if ya are not allowed to use scripture.
In fact the hate comes from people who use the bible as a weopon not heeding the true meaning, to love one another. I know muslims' quorhan teaches love too. But like christians and muslims know, not all followers pay genuine attention to the parts about love and use religeon against others for their own gain, lots of corruption unfortunately in religeon, to my experience especially in christianity

I'm not trying to convert anyone.
How do you censor religeon, I do not promote anything that causes hate, I absolutly have the utmost repect for the freedom of religeon, one of the main reasons the NEW WORLD was so attractive to the early settlers.
I think the problem in the world is a lack of acceptance, something long time minitruckers are familiar with.
I think it won't be long before the world tries to ban all religeon.
Again , very sorry If I have offended anyone in any way, that is not my intent, I think its cool we are different
hex0rz   +1y
First off, let me point out that I'm indeed of the christian faith. Well, I may not be the everyday church goer and whatnot, but I do believe in Jesus and have that personal relationship. I no way in any means 'am trying to instill or enforce this "religion" upon anyone. But its striking how things in the bible correlate with the things that are happening today.

Haha, and snakes on a plane seem to be about THE dumbest movie I have ever seen for previews except, "beerfest".

I just want to say that if you have'nt noticed like me, that I hear someone talking about Jesus in the wrong way. To the basis of it, its the principal of respect. Just like most people get pissed off when you say something personal about their mother in a slanderous way...

It does make sense to see that the producers want the bucks, and they make whats in demand! But from that they have the audience. Which is what makes the population. From the bible, it tells how things get worse, and this is just one more step towards the "end". Its inevitable, and its a sad thing for me to realize, in a way.

But its not only movies now, I open my realplayer to listen to music, and all I see on their webpage is something about a movie that is demonic, yes, and then theres something about paris hilton naked singing to hugh hefner, etc. There is just too many things now thats getting approval when it should'nt. Hey sure sex is great, but since when is it okay to strip nude in public and actually get a crowd which consists of a couple policemen!

I feel like I'm ranting now, so I'll quit. But I was just hoping to share my mind to some of you mini truckers here that may or may not share my same belief in the Lord.

I feel that I SHOULD be able to talk about these sorts of things because, I 'am indeed in the off-topic forum which says I can talk about ANYTHING. And I'm not shooting anyone down, and/or trying to press anything on anyone.

IMO, I feel if you feel offended use your head and refrain yourself from making a comment. So we don't end up getting a locked thread...

AND yes, I'm talking about this of the majority towards my religion. Because, what I have been educated in, leads me to these reasonings, and why I'm ranting about it. Because, do you see any other religion that has a cult that opposes another religion? I could'nt help but notice the new movie "covenant" had a pentacle for its background image...

There is too much of a wide spectrum for religion. Yes, indeed, but its because of everyones own reasoning on the situation. But all in all, they all go off of the same thing, that which does'nt change, EVER. But don't base yourself and your faith with someone elses faith and experience. Because your life is not mean't to run by what THEY think. Make sense?

As long as intentions were good and you tried your best, you learned, and accelled...