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General Discussion \  Well Today sucked

Well Today sucked

General Discussion
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pont   +1y
Today My plant were I work confermed that thay sold us. Thay sold us to a Small company that will most likly cut our pay from 16.20$ a hour to below 12.00$ for the same job I have been doing for the last 7 years. My wife wonts me to stay were I'm at for anything around 12$ but that will mean no extra money for anything. (well till we get some other odd ball bills paid off at tax time) Im gone go friday and put in for some Jobs at Delta and a steel company in Jackson Tn (20 to 30 min drive) Delta starts out at 11.50 were as the steel company starts out at like 13.50 but thay have something were you get 10% of your pay extra not really sure how it works out but from what I been told thay bring home 600 or more for a 40 hour work week. which beats out my 500 now (bring home pay that is). It just really sucks that this company sold us.

p.s. sorry I just had to vent to someone that I did not work with or live with
mullet   +1y
that sux man.. shows u that everyone has a bottom line. just don't quit ur job out of frustration of the new guys coming in. i have always found its easier to get a job if you have a job.
best of luck to you and ur wife

hocbj23   +1y
The whole world is for sale if the price is right. The only thing that isnt is ur integrity.The new folks could recognize ur value and make ur work situation better, not worse.Chin up and good luck. BJ
blare   +1y
Good luck man. I strongly recommend that when yall come across some money that either your wife or you start taking college classes.

While it might not save you from layoffs and merges it can help you find that 35k+ a year job alot easier.
pont   +1y

Yea I wont leave till I get a new Job even 12 is better than nothing. We will find out next week what our pay is.

The Company Has only been around for 9 years it was started as a way to get smaller jobs out of our building and pay those peeps less (all the jobs were easy and did not require much input from the person) And now thay are taking us over, There top out pay now is only 10.60. But with them taking us over it will allow for them to give them a bit of a raise and us a pay cut.

sucks really bad maybe the steel place will hire me More money better health and to boot thay have had peeps working there 30 years and never once had a layoff (that is the biggest perk to me)
pont   +1y

every year but this one I have made 33k or more 2 years ago i made 45k this year I have yet to break 26k And im not a college person thay teach way to slow for me and I cant sit still long lol
madmazda   +1y
that sucks!!
mazdamandan   +1y
yeh, job security, tuff to keep . Hope the best for ya man.
Employers are in a bidding war up here, everyone is short on help.(oil town)
pinkmazda   +1y
yea job security sucks i work for roundys corporation (pick-N-Save portion) they just sold our corp a couple months ago and they have slowly made a couple changes in rules ect but were still waiting to see what happens. And what sucks is all the normal workers are Union so its hard to mess with them they gots to go throught the union, Managers arent so they can do what they want with us like transfer us wherever fire us ect ohhh and they took our bonuses away which sucks ass said we werent selling enough-but hopefully well get them back crosses fingers lol

and on top off that theres talk of shutting down my store because they are opening another one about 5 miles away and if our sales go down yea dont want to think about it lol

good luck, hope everything works out
nytrdr24   +1y
hate to hear that pont....i know it is a long stretch of road, but my bro works @ nissan in manchester.....he said they are needing peeps @ the symrna plant bad.....just a thought....

sounds bout like my job situation....the offer i had to go to tampa never came thru (least not yet), & earlier this week they laid off some of the qc inspectors & library personnel (we work to work packages & they are kept in the library)
& the rumor is that they are gonna close the library in a librarian, no packages to work to, no work......same w/ the qc situation, no qc to buy off the work, work comes to a stop......they are supposed to be done w/ all the work in one part of the building by weeks end & have @10 days to finish the work in the other part....on paper it shows 98% done, but it isn't any where close...i figure it will be mid spring when the last people are "cast off". i figure they will have a good culling of people mostly travelers first & dead weight by the end of the month, then roll every one off nights to days till the end....

i will say this, some of the more experienced guys i work with say that if worst comes to worst & you get laid off, go work a temp job "short call" out of state to get another layoff ......then you can claim interstate unemployment compensation by working in two states in one fiscal year.....file with illinois or pennsylvania or massachusetts....they all pay close to $600 or so a week.....& you don't even have to have worked in that state to claim.... that state will pull the $$ from the states you paid into, so all it boils down to is you get more of your money that you paid in when you need it most.

hope all works out for you to the good!