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General Discussion \  gas prices

gas prices

General Discussion
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replies 17
following 16
down2earthdawg   +1y
2.54 here in Naples Florida in tampa it was 2.19
crazymikey   +1y

eww,where's that?

We're at 79.9 north of Toronto right now.
boon   +1y
99.9 a litre here in victoria bc...and thats the lowest its been in a while... was up to 119.9 at one point i believe
chizel   +1y

Sounds pretty close to what we are here in Sk. Right now its the lowest its been in a long time at 95.9.
sierrax   +1y
82.9/L just east of Toronto.

Costs $35 to fill the Mazda and get about 550 KM's to the tank.

Costs $85 to fill the Sierra and get about 800 KM's to the tank.

The lowest that I've seen gas at in the last 6 months is 74.9 and the highest is $1.20
crazymikey   +1y
I find they've been dropping the prices after 10pm. Last weekend I was in Oakville and filled up at 9:30 at 79.9 and half an hout later I was in Milton at 10pm and I watched the prices change on the board from 79.9 to 75.5 and I was like damn it!!!
damaz   +1y
You've only noticed this now......? In Mississauga they've been doing this for the past 2 - 3 years. They slowly drop the price every few hours and then after 10 pm is when the prices are at their lowest. Then at the stroke of midnight, its up again. Just a handful of stations keep their prices low till about 12:30 or 1.

Its like pandamonium at these places after midnight. I'd hate to have seen the chaos in the 70's when the oil embargo was going on. I guess were just oil crazy these days now.

For you guys in the States.....Does your gas prices fluctuate like this over the course of the day?
phatkix   +1y

bwahahaha it made it up to 135.9 last summer