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General Discussion \  christians and mini truckers...

christians and mini truckers...

General Discussion
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laydoutb26   +1y
Ok, i was talkin to a fellow mini trucker, 1HotDawg, and i started thinkin about stuff...

I'm young and i've been baptized n all, but i don't really pay much attention to the Lord.

Instead I sin, A LOT, and i don't do the right things...

I drink, smoke pot, curse, and have very occasional sexual conferences...

If i'm happy doin' and livin' my life, should i repent and seek God?

I mean, the typical mini trucker does drink, have sex, and curse... am i doin the wrong things?

Opinions please...
hocbj23   +1y
One persons opinion-we are usually judged by others on what we DO, not what we believe or say that we believe.Therefore,I try to stick as much as possible by the Golden Rule.If it is better for u as a person to be aligned with an organized religious body, by all means do so.If life works for u outside a church,then fine as well.However,be advised that whatever u believe,people will be watching and deciding if u stand for SOMETHING and act that way.It is called character and we all need as much of that as we can muster in these days and times. Hope this helps.BJ
drpdmazda   +1y
no person lives with out sin, at least in my opinion, my father is a preacher, and has been my whole life, but if i told you stories of the way i used to live my life, fighting hurting selling drugs etc. the hair on your neck would probably stand up. i belive that as long as you know god in your heart, then it is up to you on how you live your life, but that is just my personal opinion, others may say differently. everyone has to grow up and ask for forgiveness at some time in there life, your time will come some day too
crazymikey   +1y
you want my opinion?

I stay as far away from religion as possible.

Do what you want man,it's your life to live.
1hotdawg   +1y
Hey bro, it's real good to see you comin here and askin the other fellow mt'rs about faith. I'm glad you're still thinking lol. You got some good answers here, and honestly I shared a lot with you about it, so don't feel the need to say too much here.

Hocbj has some good comments. Only thing I would advise everyone about is, so many say "oh just believe in God and you'll be ok." Well satan, his angels, and lot's more people "believe" in God. Is that enough for salvation? No. Are devil worshippers probably saved? Don't most of them "believe" there is a God, yet choose to worship the devil? lol you think God's gonna save them cuz "well, atleast they believe in me"? lol, I doubt it. There's a saying I find pretty cool, "You can believe it's gonna rain. Faith carries an umbrella."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Unlike Mikey's comment, "it's your life", the Bible tell's us it's not. He, God, created us in His likeness. The Bible also says we were bought for a price, (Christ's sacrifice). We are to submit our lives to Him. He sacrificed His life for us, and asks us to sacrifice our lives to Him, by allowing Him to use us...the whole "pick up your cross and follow Me" comment in the Bible.

That is exactly right! But let me caution people about one thing. You can say, "well I like what I'm doing right now, and I know it's wrong. But I'm gonna keep doing it and then turn to God when I'm done having this fun." You hope 1. you make it to that day. and 2. That you still have/feel God's call in your heart then asking you to still turn to Him.

Btw ALL of us enjoy the sins we do! lol it's like eating your favorite fattening food. You know it's going to make you fat, maybe stop your heart one day but man it is just too good to put it down

Romans 3:23-24
23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Romans 3:10
As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one"

Maybe you could read just this one chapter of Romans, chapter 6 HERE it's good for those tryin to turn away from sin, hence it's called "Dead to sin, Alive in Christ" It's short, so go ahead

Ultimately it is your choice bro, I'm just here to give you the knowlege from the Christian side
mullet   +1y
ok.. religion is a very touchy suject for me so i won't get too far into it. But to answer the orriginal question instead of looking outside for god or answers maybe you should look into yourself. I have never understood people that get into a situation and they look up at the sky and say "WHY GOD?" And i'm not as good as the guy from NC but i do know in a couple places in the bible it mentions that "the kingdom of god is within you." You can be a mini trucker and not smoke pot, drink, curse etc. Set an example. Don't judge others in the process or hold yourself up higher than others. I had a friend pass away at Slamfest from apparently drinking too much and died from selfafixiation(sp)... its not the way to go man.
1hotdawg   +1y
Wow lol I had to look hard to find that Scripture

Please take this in context. The Pharisees were challenging Christ constantly. They were kinda saying "well if you know when the Kingdom is, or where the Kingdom is, then let us know so that we may look for the signs as to it's coming." They felt that by observing the Law, they could "create" the Kingdom. But Christ is saying it's more about your heart. If your heart is for Him, then you already have a "Sense" of the Kingdom.

Disclaimer: this is my own take on that verse.

If you really wanna know what is meant by "The Kingdom of Heaven" Wikipedia does a good job explaining it better than I can lol.

Oh yeah, please, PLEASE, don't think I am tryin to impress with my knowlege lol. I am honestly dumb , I just know where to look for the answers ...and I use Scipture to back my thoughts/beliefs up.
mazdawgrollin   +1y
no you shouldnt. who is to say your life is wrong or that your soul is lost? who is to say that you are a bad person for yuor actions? a book? is there justice in that? i think not. there is life beyond the church and i have freed myself from the bind aof church and display it proudly on my car with a cross circled and lined out. you can be free of worry that your not perfect enough for a god that doesnt exist if you allow it. dont let the catholic arrogance distort your mind. the bible doesnt save you if your soul is not lost. open your mind and embrace life free of free of religion. ifg only the whole world would, it would be a much happier place. the root of all war would be forgotten.
hocbj23   +1y
Life without organized religion might be better for u, but to some folks organized religion and the church are sources of great comfort. Neither I nor u would want to deny them that,I would think.While religious conflicts have been the source of many wars,so have greed,misunderstandings,pride,racial or ethnic differences, and just plain stupidity.The things that set people apart in those instances are the things we all need to be working on-humility,tolerance,understanding,patience,acceptance and caring.ALL major religions that I know of also agree on those-it is only stupid people who believe otherwise and cause conflicts. BJ
bagged89mazda   +1y
the subject of the guy dying at slam fest i am gona bring up in another thread. As for this topic. Its all up to you tim if you want to be "reborn" and go to the way of the lord . ultimately its up to you to decide what you want for your future.