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General Discussion \  christians and mini truckers...

christians and mini truckers...

General Discussion
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1hotdawg   +1y
My faith is not based on fear. It's based on having a relationship with the God whom created me.

I'll leave my comments with this:

Joshua 24:15 (NIV)

15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..... as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
down2earthdawg   +1y
I live my life out side of a church but still praise the Lord by reading the bible and praying in the car truck before dinner In my eyes GOD IS EVERYWHERE why go to a church with a bunch of people to praise the lord when you can have a chat with him one on one. Trust me he is out there up there or just plane every where. I wouldnt be typing this if there was a God or higher power lookin out for me.
1hotdawg   +1y
You don't "have" to go to church to be Christian. God says "where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there I am also." I personally love my church. I love the people there. I work with the youth there. Without it in my life I am missing something. It's about being with people of like minds, and setting aside certain times/days to worship the Lord. But no, Salvation doesn't depend on going to church.

Good to know you're a man of faith D2E
down2earthdawg   +1y
back in the day christians or followers of Jesus tattoed the now Jesus fish on the palms of there hands so they can get in to their cave churchs without persicution from the jews well I now bare that mark on my right ankle along with a flaming dove to symbolize the holy spirt and the lord Jesus Christ is with me and with in me at all times
1hotdowg Ill Pm you the story on how I became saved its kinda weird and moving and horrifying at the same time you may use it in your teachings to your youth group if you would like.
1hotdawg   +1y
Gladly bro! Just hit me up when ya have the time.

I too want a cross tattoo'd on my bicep with a scripture or saying, and I want the head and bust of Christ tattoo'd on my right shoulder blade.

Would love to see pics of your tatts.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y

Was just reading through this thread and realized, whats written above pretty well somes up my opinion. Nuf said.
lalunette   +1y
All right, my favourite topic... beside Mazda trucks, Honda Civic wagons and Tomos mopeds... LOL

I was raised an RC, got married, had 3 kids, got involved in my local church and taught Sunday school for 12 years.

However, I grew more and more disenchanted with church and its hypocrisy. We were teaching the same stuff every 3 years and our priest never let us do anything creative.

Then, I found out my good Christian wife was sleeping around with a boy-toy, neglecting her family but still going to church. Then she left me and our three children for a year to live it up.

Believing in the sanctity of marriage I did everything I could to get her back. We did counselling, etc… and she agreed to come back and live with us, her family.

No sooner was she back in our lives that she threatened to call the cops and charge me with sexual assault if I did not leave the house and agree to a divorce.

Needless to say we separated, got a divorce and, nine years later, she initiated a marriage annulment.

Well, I’ve grown since these events. I’ve dropped the pretense and sham of religion and realized I’ve become a Bright ( ). A Bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview. A bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements (such as organized religion) and the ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview. We are not atheists since that is a label given by religious people to those who reject their god, be it God, Allah, Vishnu, etc…. Since we do not acknowledge the existence of said gods and their associated religion(s) we cannot be labelled as atheists by their members.

I also like what Robert Heinlein has to say about religion : “History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it. [Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long]â€
1hotdawg   +1y

Not to offend, but right there you ruined any real thought being present in your decission.

Religion is not a crutch. Our, and most spiritual religions are a belief in which we believe there is a higher power that created all things. Frankly imo it takes an idiot, (not meant towards you specifically, just an opioin of my own), to believe we happened by chance.

Sorry things went wrong in your marriage. How was your home in was there devotion and worship of God outside your church's walls? Did you actually worship? This is what people get wrong. You think "oh well uh I go to church so I'm a Christian/Catholic/whatever." If you're not living your life in daily devotion to the God of your religion then you ARE NOT part of that religion and are only giving the rest of us a bad name...hence hypocrisy.

Btw, I believe Catholics CAN be Christians, but being Catholic doesn't MAKE you a Christian. Christianity is not something you're born in to, it's a choice you make daily.

Sorry your wife did the things she did. But we all deal with daily temptations to mak the wrong choices. We ar all sinners and none are beyond making the wrong choice. But that's just's a choice she made. Her choice is not a reflection upon the righteousness of God, it's a reflection of the weakness of the human flesh.

I'm sorry you're bringing your children up to believe Christianity is a cruel religion. Cuz frankly if you truely believe that then you really are missing the point. Hopefully someone will shar with them what true love is one day.

God bless!

Thanks for the link I enjoyd reading about a religion that claims not to be yet wants you to identify yourself as one lol. It's a belief system...hence a religion, just not based on the supernatural...oh yay.
lalunette   +1y
Honestly, I believe it is intelletually lazy to believe in creationism, i.e. someone or something “createdâ€
1hotdawg   +1y
Didn't mean for you to think I was saying you didn't love your children, for that I appologize. But one only knows true love when it comes from the Father...creator.

A religion is a belief structure. It dosn't have to be based on spirituallity.

Congrats on adopting. My wife and I may do that as well one day.

The Church didn't decide we are sinners. The Church didn't write the Bible. We are far from perfect have to agr with that one lol. We can never and I repeat NEVER do good constantly or probably even consistantly. Therefore we are flawed in some capacity right? Call it sin or not, we are flawed...atleast our flesh is. It doesn't take a church to teach this either.

As for was really taken away as a requirement by Christ Himself. We are however asked to give generously. Does it hav to be a church? No. It can be a family member, co-worker, bum on the side of the street, or even a social justice charity. It teaches more about not loving money and helping your fellow man than keeping a church building in tact.

As for evolution, without soem kind of architect, I find unbelievable. No matter what, there are way too many variables to believe we are random. To believe that life just so happened by accident, yet we are completely built, and mind you not changing still, as we are without a "hand" in it is nuts imo. I hav no problem with science and it's "puzzle" of evolution. What I do have is a problem believing it was by accident.

By the way, this is my most favorite topic of conversation as well lol, so glad to discuss it with you.

God bless.

Funny thing is, no matter what, I'm not the one who has to worry about being wrong