the only issue with sport quads and quads in general is that they're just money pits unless your a pro factory rider modifiying them is just an waste. the re-sale on them is pothedtic(sp?). you can spend in the area of 4K for the suspension and 3k in motor mods and the best you'll get for a re-sale value is about $3,500. my next bike will be a hybrid. for those that don't know, a hybrid is a honda 250r or 400ex with either an cr450r, yz450f, or an yz427f motor. so it's a dirtbike motor in a quad frame. they're alot faster than the bikes on the market now, but they're about the same price. the other benifit in a hybrid is that most of the time they come with aftermarket suspension so there's really not that much else to buy.