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Mazda Projects \  Mullet and a large penis

Mullet and a large penis

Mazda Projects
views 4120
replies 17
following 10
grantkustoms   +1y
that is something I don't want to see again...
someone post some tatas
mullet   +1y
thats me standing right beside her.. sporting a Grant Kustoms hat.. little advertisin goin on.. cause EVERYONE was looking at the big penis. But yes i'm going to blood drag.. and were partyin hard cause my room mate/club member is turning 21 the friday we get there.. so i'm probably going to be half drunk when we get to the show on Saturday
the twanksta   +1y
OK mullet, one of us is on drugs...I am almost positive you are SITTING DOWN( not standing ) in a truck and also NOT wearing a grant hat...are we talking about two diff pics or what?

OK you got on the drugs. I guess you were talking to down2earth.LOL oh well. so one of the girls that was with you was in the bikini contest? was it the same one making fart sound with a straw in her armpit?? LOL
Post was last edited on Oct 15, 2005 07:10. This post has been edited 1 times.
mullet   +1y

yup you are on drugs.. check the pic again sucka

mullet   +1y

Uh.. defenatly not.. she wanted to wave the big penis at the girls in the bikini contest, and my cuzin - in the pink shirt hardly seen in the second pic was working the show and had to be at the bikini contest to help throw out shirts. For the record.. its so nice how u catch more shirts than anyone when your cuzin is up on stage throwing them. But we were only up there for a few min... when the guys started walking out on stage wearing bikini's.. thats when we left. But the girl who had the binki screaming for its life.. that was awesome.
mullet   +1y
2fine89   +1y
Dunno about Mullet - BUT that pic ^^^^ gives ME a large penis ....
grantkustoms   +1y
mama, I only see one pic on the previous page and mullet is sitting in the truck.
show some boobs