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General Discussion \  bodybuilding


General Discussion
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86moose   +1y
Anyone here into it. I personaly and big time, just woundering if there are any others on this forum.
1hotdawg   +1y
I was somewhat. More just trying to build strength and health really. Now tryin to lose the gut lol and keep the "guns"
hocbj23   +1y
I am not sure how much buildin u can do to a 68 year old body,but my wife and I walk 3 miles a day and both do water aerobics and both watch our weight and neither of us smoke so I guess we are there??BJ
crazymikey   +1y
I just try to eat healthy,I don't smoke,rarely drink and don't do any drugs. I stay pretty active at my job,which keeps me busy,moving and fit,and ontop of that every night or every other day I'll do a round of 75 to 100 situps and 50 pushups,and I have one doorway in my house with an opening above it that is perfect for holding onto to do chinups,lol

I used to do a lot of biking too. Used to do minimum 20km almost daily. In the last 18 months,I've lost about 15lbs (I'm 145-150lbs) and I actually have abs now,lol. I'm no superman,but some people are surprised by my strength for my smaller physique for a guy my size. I'm 5'10,and like I said,like 150lbs on a fat day after eating a bacon cheeseburger and wearing my work boots,lol.

I pretty much just live a healthy lifestyle because I still live at home and my mom is the owner of a women's fitness centre,so my mom is like a crazy health and fitness freak,so it kinda rubs off on me. It's funny,because my dad is fat and overweight,not very active,has high blood pressure and cholesterol,chain smokes and has a bad hip,lol....
86moose   +1y
I started with the biking and the eating healthy, started tio get more into the weight training and then found myself on my first "cycle". Within the past three years I have gone from 5'10, 180lbs with a 34' waist to 5'10 240 with a 38' waist (so the pants arent skin tight on my thighs) with a 49' chest and 18.5 arms.

I can fell you on the crazy healthy life, I was vegan for a while until I relized my protien intake wasnt high enough to sustain what I need to achive great results, so I added chicken back, but it has to be organic just like everything I eat. Organic or soy, no soda no fried food, no steak, etc etc etc.

Its hard somtime but what can you do with great sacrifice comes great rewards right.
phatkix   +1y
i wish i could do body building, i am a stick, i worked out for 8 months, lost 8 a guy that weighs nothing needs to lose anything

my neighbor was the same size as me, he took injection annabolics and he is huge now!
crazymikey   +1y
The biggest change I made was cutting out fast food. When I was in high school,I used to wear a 34 and sometimes a 36 waist,now a 32 is snug and if I wear a 34 I need a tight belt and they're baggy as hell. I used to be around 160 and as much as 170 at my absolute worst,which was around 7th and 8th grade. Looking back at pictures of me,you can hardly recognize me.

Anyways,diet wise,I eat lots of chicken,turkey and ham,but don't have much bacon,beef or steak. I eat pretty much all my vegetables,but I'm not big on fruits. Lots of soups and sandwiches,granola bars,and I tried to stay away from fried stuff,but it's ok once in a while. I can live off pizza pockets and subs and be happy,lol.

For drinks,I'm not big on normal milk,so I have chocolate milk. Lots of cranberry juice,orange,apple and fruit juices and almost NO carbonated soda drinks. However,I think if I was to get tested,I would have a pretty high blood sugar level because I drink lots of coffee (1 to 3 Large or XL cups per day) and as of the last 6 months or so,Full Throttle energy drinks,but I haven't had any for about a month.

I'm not trying to build up a totally toned ad sculpted and muscular body,I just want to be fit,healthy and happy,and it helps that I look much better now too. I did some test thingy at a GNC store a while ago,and right now I am at my ideal weight for my size,so I think I've hit my goal.

One aspect I do want to improve upon is my cardio though. Since I haven't done much biking for a while,I get winded a little easier now. I can sprint and jog for short bursts,but I cramp and get winded fairly easily,but I was never much into running or jogging. However,at work,I'm always busy moving around,walking,lifting stuff...I'm never stationary.
team haymaker   +1y
im pretty into it, working out usually 5 times a week, seems like alot, but i get off work at 11:00pm and go to the gym,
currently i weigh 176 pounds, im trying to get back to 180 after a mean case of food poisoning that cost me 12 pounds.

but in my job ineed to stay strong, and healthy, people like to try and fight me at work
crazymikey   +1y
lol,what do you do where people try and fight you all the time?

I had an offical weigh in at work on an industrial scale the other day...fully clothed with heay work boots on,I weighed in at 155,so lose the boots and I'm closer to 150.
team haymaker   +1y
im a private investigator the east end of hamilton, people who are committing fraud like to fight when i arrest them.........sometimes, but most often people just struggle a bit then give up