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General Discussion \  non-awsome weekend

non-awsome weekend

General Discussion
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replies 20
following 10
phatkix   +1y
theres always retards like that.
i have some good storys but i'll keep quiet.
I don't get even, i get 10 up.
lalunette   +1y
I always try to keep at least one vehicle length empty ahead of me in rush hour traffic. Well, yesterday some POS in a Jetta cuts into this space, no signals, nothing, just appears out of nowhere and takes up all the space between me and the guy in front. He cut it quite close, specially since there wasn't that much space and the roads are kinda slippery here since we started our -40 Celsius run last week.

I was startled by the sudden appearance of this car in front of me so I honked to express my displeasure and surprise. He promptly responded by flipping me the bird... Gee, he cuts me off, almost causing a pile-up, and then flips me the bird... I don't get it... GGGRRRRRRRRR
mazdamandan   +1y
some people lose all sense when they get behind the wheel its war!
Its a good idea to have mase or somthing these days especially for chicks, ya never know the world is getting more violent.
lalunette   +1y

It is illegal to carry Mace in Canada. All we have is pepper spray for bears we can carry only while camping.
crazymikey   +1y

I said TYPICAL ram driver. lol. you're off the hook,you have a Mazda,lol
nytrdr24   +1y
figured you'd like that one mikey!
mazdamandan   +1y

yeh, I thought one of them was illegal, thats what the "or something" was about. but thanks for clarifying , is there any chance it depends on the province?
lost_b2200   +1y
Thursday night update. Walmart has all the evidence, but the police don't have the guy. My boss gave me a broken taser on monday after I explained the black eye. (Only the second weaker punch got black) It pissed him off so bad he wanted us to take the day off and go "idiot hunting". lol I had to talk him out of it. All that was wrong with the taser was one of the 9v connectors was broken off. Got a new one from radioshack & soldered it in. Total cost less than $3. It's been under my seat all week. Hope I never use it, but it would have been wonderful last weekend! Thanks for the support guys & I'm sorry so many of you have had run ins with similar crap.
pepehn   +1y
You know, it's funny how quickly we can react to something small.

I was quite pissed off tonight to start, I work at a restaurant, and it was busy as shit...hence the reason i was pissed. I went on my break to go get a coffee from timmy hoes. I was on my way back..came to a red light. Fairly big intersection. The green light for the left hand turn comes on. So i start going through.

Well wouldn't you know it?...Some stupid bitch in a van decides shes going to go straight at the same time. Both of us about halfway through the intersection, she stops. Inches between us. She lays on her horn, flips me off..and backs up a bit. That got me.

I spun the mazda around, so we would be driving beside each other once her light went green. I drove beside her until the next set of lights, where she decided to turn left. I motioned her to roll down her window. Shes got this pissed off look on her face. "Is there something i can do for you?" ... I say.."Tell me where the fuck you got your licence?" She plays the whole stupid thing out for a while "Last i checked you should be waiting until the intersection is clear before you turn.. What is with you stupid young punk drivers.." and closes her window.

Last string. This woman is fucked. I may have a bit of a temper on me, nothing really to excessive when everything is reasonable. My window stayed open. I hammered down so i could get ahead of her a bit before she turned. The tim hortons went out of my truck, all over her van somehow. Dont ask me how. lol..

Anyway, i guess the reason im even bothering to tell you this is because we have no idea how fast things can get out of hand without even realizing it. For all i know it could have been hulk hogan ready to bust some heads. lol. People really need to learn how to drive. especially in this city..Brutal.
pepehn   +1y
ehh sorry it seems kinda fruity wording some places. been edited i guess lol