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General Discussion \  non-awsome weekend

non-awsome weekend

General Discussion
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lost_b2200   +1y
Something is always happening with me. My life is never boring or dull. I'm sure many of you can relate! Saturday I was out of town/state and pulled into a wal-mart. There was a dodge ram parked at the very end of the isle I turned into to find a parking spot. Well when my truck got in front of this thing he started comming at me! He was inches away and still going so I sped up a little to try to avoid a hit. We cleared and he somehow didn't rub my back bumper. Impulse action on my part was flipping him off in the rear window. Now he may not have seen me before, but he saw that. So I get parked really close to the front of the store and get out. The guy is already there and walking towards me! (This guy was twice as big as me. Think Doug on King of Queens show - that's him.) He says "YOU GOT A PROBLEM FLIPPING PEOPLE OFF?" and I gave him "You got a problem running into people?" I got punched in the face. So... apparently he does have a problem running into people. With either a truck or himself. After he tagged me he tried to keep ME from hitting him! Two guys walked up and was all hey dude get out of here. They all took off. I went in the store to try to get a tape. Gotta wait till tomorrow for that. And then went down to the PD to file a report. I didn't get a tag # or anything but I had a decent description of the truck and a good description of him. (I only started to pay close attention to the truck when it was very very close to hitting me.) So now I'm waiting to hear from walmart and the police. Now looking back it was a pretty eventful weekend after all! And I only got a little mark. Definatly a good hit tho.
mazdamandan   +1y
ah that sucks, I'd try not to flip anyone off. but he still had no right to touch you.
I'm the size of doug but in waay better shape. lol The thing is, it could have been me and I would have apoligised to you, not stalked ya and hit ya, I dont need to prove anything, but there are lotsa guys who do.
The world is getting more crazy than it used to be, a punch is'nt too big a deal but what if it was a gun instead of a fist, ya never know !
road rage never leads to anything good, especially with the unpredictable people in this world.
Or what if some one was in a postion like yours but they had a gun?
Just try to turn the other cheek until its out of your control, thats what cops are for. Reporting it was definatly the right thing to do, big dudes need anger managment too.
At least yer ok and yer ride is too.
crazymikey   +1y
Sounds like the typical Dodge Ram driver to me. They always seem like they own the road and think they're king shit and drive like retards.

If that guy had hit me,as much of alightweight as I am,I would have turned blood red and that's when something bad would happen,either to him,or me,or both.

Atleast you kept composure and didn't let things get out of hand. BTW,chicks dig scars.
mazdamandan   +1y
temper temper mikey, lol
crazymikey   +1y
most of the time I'm too laid back to give a shit about stuff like that,but when I get pissed.....
laydoutb26   +1y
u should of cried and then got on the ground and threw a tantrum... would of made him feel like he punched a retard and i bet he would have felt bad...
crazymikey   +1y
...or punched a wussy haha
maztang (ryan)   +1y
pain is weakness leaving the body. haha. well i hope they catch the jackass. watch some ufc before the next go around.
carolinasled   +1y
damn, that sucks. you shouldhave kicked him in the balls.....LOL...........
nytrdr24   +1y
hate to hear that lost, gotta be careful who you give the ole one finger salute to these days, as dan says he could have been carrying a gun....worst of all it sounds like it wasn't your fault, but at least your ok!
it seems as if a vast majority of persons with a drivers license out there think they own the road & you should yield to them, & don't like being told their wrong, even if it is or isn't with the finger/horn or other means of telling them they screw'd up....

on another note, a tazer works real nicely to bring the big guys down, heck they'll even piss themselves (now whos the big guy) nothing like several thousand volts coarsing thru your veins......

hey, hey, i owned a dodge ram.....& i didn't think i owned the road, i knew i did j/k haha!
nah, something similar happend when i had the dodge, i let the better half out at the front door of lowes so she could run in and extchange something, so as usual i go & park AWAY from everyone at the end of the shortest isle about 4 or five open slots away from the last vehicle, well to my amazement, some lazy fat no good sumbiatch parked his yota right next to my truck, and as he proceeded to roll his fat arse out of his truck, and his door hit mine, & i had my windows down & truck running waiting on the better half, so nicely i said hey bud, you hit my truck, & he acted like he never heard me, then kept on walking into lowes, so i get a little louder & say it again, still no admision of a wrong doing, so i honk my horn & he kept on going.....i get out look at the damage, two real nice door dings with some paint swappage, by that time i was sooooooo pissssssed, & then the better half comes out of the store, to find me p/o'd looking at the damage & ready for some justice fixing to give the usless pos a lesson & flatten his tires, well she talked me out of it, & i got over the it & as i look back now, with my luck, i probably would have gotten into more trouble cutting his tires & going to jail over it than he was worth.....