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General Discussion \  THANK GOD IT'S ALMOST OVER


General Discussion
views 2412
replies 19
following 15
crazymikey   +1y
Good to hear you finally got him back. You feel like the hospital is the worst place for your child to be when you're not with them.
laydoutb26   +1y
Glad to hear that he is better.

About a week ago i had my girlfriend (fiancee?) in the hospital.

Usually i'm cool with seeing people in the hospital... but when its someone u love, someone you care for, or like Aaron, your own kid... Its hard to pass...

You constantly think of ur loved one, wondering if they are ok or not... wondering how they are doin every moment of every day... wondering if you should go to the hospital at that very moment or do ur daily drag...

Its seriously hard...

Aaron, i'm glad he is ok, and brother, i felt your pain... if you ever need someone to talk to... if the forums are dead... 1 541 633 5989 anytime bro...

1hotdawg   +1y
Wow man, glad to hear all is pretty well now. Hopefully this stuff won't stick around for 6 months, so you and him will be able to rest easy. Will definitely keep things in my prayers and thoughts bro. Let us know if anything comes up as well!

God bless!
thetornado   +1y
keep us updated bro. glad to hear is getting better. ill be sure to pray for his continuing recovery. let us know if we can do anything for ya!
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Good to here things are improving. As already stated, hopefully the congestion and coughing improve in less time. It is amazing though how resilient young kids can be. Me neice had to have heart related surgery when she was 3-4 years old. Was down for maybe a week. Then before ya knew it she was 100%. With any luck, your son will be just a fortunate.
nytrdr24   +1y
glad to hear that you son is home & doing better, & will keep him & your family in my thoughts & prayers. it is the trying times that remind us of just how precious life is & that there is a higher is nice to have a group to "vent" to when needed, just glad to be a part of such a classy group of individuals as we have here on the b-scene. if you need anything don't hesitate to give us a halla!
crazymikey   +1y

Couldn't have said it any better.
mazdamandan   +1y
wow, I've not been on here for a few days now, and I came accross yer post gravity.
I'll definatly keep your family in my prayers and thoughts.
Vent anytime ya want, sometimes we tend to worry about trivial things, our trucks money etc.
I appreciate your post, it helps put things in perspective.
My wife is talkin about havin a kid so this really scared me, I know I cant be afraid to have one God says our children are "an inheritance", but somebody once told me, "if ya dont have kids ya hav'nt worried a day in yer life" ,it's sooo true!

God bless your family and be sure my prayers are with you.
1 John 5;19 and James 1;13 helps me to appreciate that God does not cause
Your Bro, Dan
gravity5   +1y
Well thank everyone for all their comment,sand support, I truly appreciate it.

He is getting better by the day, and I am soooo relieved, unless you have kids who have been sick you don't even know.

But like mazdaman said, you don't know the meaning of worrying until you have kids....The things I used to sweat, like getting my truck done for th next cruise night, or how am I gonna afford to pay rent ( been there a couple times, cough cough due to my hobby / truck) don't stack up, all the other things in life you can fix, but when your helpless child is fighting to keep breathing well lets just say, not a damn thing else matters.

Reagardless I will tell anyone who asks, kids are the best things that have happened to me, my 3 year old daughter comes out to garage and plays with my airbrush and MIG, Can't wait to get the TIG and teach her how to use that. And no matter how much you week, day or years sucks, it all goes away for a while when you walk in the house and see them see you and break out a big ass smile.

anyways, enough of my sappy BS for one dya...hahahahah
inferno94   +1y
Glad to hear he's better I had somthing like that when I was that age and supposably I almost died, kids are so fragile at that age its scary somtimes.