Here's mine...
This is mine...
La Compagnie de La Vérendrye was established in 1994 in the heart of Manitoba’s French-Canadian community of Saint-Boniface in Manitoba, Canada. This Franco-Manitoban reenactment group brings history to life by portraying those first explorers who opened up Manitoba to the fur trade in the 18th century. In particular, the group re-enacts a unit of the Compagnies franches de la Marine (French Marines), those colonial soldiers that have protected the frontier of New France since their arrival on the North-American soil in 1683 to the fall of the French regime in 1760.
Opening nite of the 37th edition of our winter festival. The crowd went wild every time we fired a volley.
Phot-op with tourists during last year's Canada Day where we honoured our veterans.
After a battle with the English.
I'm the Company sharpshooter.. so you better watch out!