So,last Thursday I quit my crappy ass job I was always complaining about. I was working at a factory doing injection molding making plastic lattice and running extrusion machines making composite deck planks. The place was a total poo-hole. The work was boring and crappy,the place was dirty as hell and HOT. I hated the management,and only like about 4 or 5 of the 30 or so people I worked with. Basically,I dreaded going to work every day because I hated my job. The money sucked and wasn't worth the effort (or lack of) I put in at work. I wanted to quit the day I started,but I lasted exactly 4 months.
Anyways, before I quit, I made sure they knew just how much I enjoyed working there. At each molding machine there is a seperate scrap grinder where you just drop the scrap plastic in and it chews it all up and reuses the ground up material. So...there just happened to be a full bucket of gear oil sitting near by,as well as a bucket of saw dust...and somehow they both ended up in the grinder and after I 'spilled' them,I decided to leave early.
I got a call on Monday asking what happened and I made up a bullshit story and they were like "well you realize you cost the company a considerable amount of money and some major downtime on the machine" and I was like "that's nice."
So I get some mail today,with my paystub enclosed and whaddya know. They witheld my paycheck for 1 week and garnished my vacation pay to compensate for the damages to the machine,which was the tune of almost $350.
So today's lesson is that if you hate your job,don't fuck stuff up,even though it makes you feel really good knowing you fucked them good,they came back and fucked basically....don't fuck shit up.
I started a new job this Monday,and I absolutely love it. Money is way better,the working conditions and the job are better,the people are awesome,the management is great and I think I'm going to be really happy at this place. I was hired as a Fabricator here at . Basically,I make pre-fab light gauge steel framing for residential/commercial applications,and it's really cool!