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Mazda Projects \  The Bongo Hotdawg - New Pics 3-14-11

The Bongo Hotdawg - New Pics 3-14-11

Mazda Projects
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projekt94 (david)   +1y
speaking of split bout this bad fucker!

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1hotdawg   +1y
Thought I'd drop a couple "current" pics on here. I'll probably lower back down soon, but for now I'm not havin to worry about the roads lol.

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1hotdawg   +1y
Ok folks, I've set her back down FOR GOOD! It just looks so good closer to the ground and honestly I take better care of it that way lol...always want it clean

I've got one style of PAthies on one side and the other side on the other lol. But now I know I prefer the newer style, (more curvey), but if I can't find 2 more, then I may end up gettin a full set of the older style. I really don't care too much, as my biggest thing was being able to tuck and not rub, and either of these wheels allow that.

I'll post pics later this evening I suppose

Oh yeah my old wheels are for sale on Ebay.
1hotdawg   +1y
Was bored today at work, and found I had started this way back when. HAd only removed the stripes first. Well I thought I'd play with it and bag it Also put the other style pathies on it, (only one's I got a good pic of) just to see what it looks like. So here it is Wayya think?

zaminis   +1y
do it...
1hotdawg   +1y
Ok for now I've dcided not to bag her. I like riding low, and have no probs with it with my torsions in. Can still be as low as pictured below if I want...see no need for being lower than that

So instead of buying Alan's airstuff, I've decided to just get the Holley carb he has, my adaptr I'v alrady orderd off Ebay, and I just placed my ordr for a PAcesetter header via Summit.

My cats smell lik they are getting stuff so I need to do something...hence the header purchase
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Looks nice with a clean shave. Almost like a blank canvas screeming for a little of the wild side. The body line graphic like on the Air Zenith truck would look killer and not set you back much.
1hotdawg   +1y
HAven't seen that truck Will have to look it up.

Well, today, I got my suspension back right. Torsions reindexed, and sittin within an inch of the bumpstop brakcet. Rides GREAT! Only prob right now is the pass side, with the wider wheels, rubs on turns some. No prob on the driver's side. So I guess I gotta get moving on gettin 2 more wheels like the driver's side.

Also, got my header yesterday. Steel wool'd it today and painted with the ceramic high temp only had one can of silver and I thought it might take more than one...dang it. By scuffing it up really good the paint should stay on...or so the Advance guy tells me lol. Hopefully I'll get her installed tomorrow.

Still waitin on my carb to get here. Adpater already on the way. Then I plan on doing an ignition upgrade as well. After all this this sucker should be nicely improved

I'm about 1/2" higher now than I am in my sig pic, so not a whole lot of change other than ride quality lol. I was so freakin sick of bouncing everywhere! Now she's really soft heh heh.
1hotdawg   +1y
Well it's been a while and honeslty I haven't done too much as for the looks. BUt I have the header installed and a Holley 5210 carb installed, as well as added a soft tonneau and just received my set of 4 more pathies to match the driver's side today.

Here's a few pics, with more on my Cardomain site, linked in the signature below.