Whats up guys?
im matt (juice) the one starting up the club with thomas. like he said, full adjustable suspension isnt required to join but we would like for it to be in your plans to have it in a reasonable time frame.
We arent looking to start a club with $20K trucks, we're mainly doing it to try to get the mini scene going around our hometown and if it spreads out of state, thats fine..if not...thats cool too.
We'd like to have a nice group of people to roll to shows with and just hang out sometime to bullshit and not worry about trucks....kinda chill ya know?
Like thomas said, I have a garage with about any tool you could need to build a truck. We have a nice welder, plasma, torches, drillpress, grinders, drills, hand tools out the ass, sanders,buffers, polishers.......almost anything you need is here....
gotta go to work now.....i'll give more details in the morning and post a few pics if i can figure out how....later guys