awesome, any updates, whats up witht the brakes u have no booster just the mastercylinder or what, is the explorer rear end the same as a toyota 5 lug or what r u using for the front? thanx keep up the good work
my bad fellows ive been of this site for a while
the truck does close hood but had to trim it to close completly as of the truck now i have been driving alot still no paint yet. but very dependable last trip i took it was from orlando to miami beach and going to slamfest coming up in gville florida i don t plan on doing any body mods execpt the roll pan, mods are a full of headaches they look good but not my style anymore and if you knew me u know i had more then 30 mazdas in my life and at the moment i have 4 of them and 3 are on the road. great trucks at keast im addicted to the mazdog not drugs lol take care peoples