night rider
ok this may sound a bit dumb but i wanna know what everyone thinks about this.
i have known this girl for about 4 or 5 years now. her name is laura, she lives in VA, and yes, i live in DE. basically its a long distance relationship, i have seen her maybe for or five times in the past 6 months. anyways, she is normally the kind of girl that loves to talk, always chipper, and just overall in a great mood. well last sunday we talked a while and she had to go, she was going in town to do whatever, well about 4 hours later i called, no answer, so i waited and called back about an hour later, she answered this time but didnt sound like herself, she sounded like she was trying to hide something, and when i asked what she was up to, she paused a second and said, o sorry what was that, so i said, what are ya up too. she replied, "o, um, im chillen... with um, calli" and i knew that was BS, she doesnt talk like that. and i said "o well you want me to let ya go?" she said "yea, ill call later bye". now normally she said, "yea babe, ill call you in a little bit ok? I LOVE YOU" (all sweet). well that basically was the biggest give away. so i laid down a while and did alot of thinking. her best friend (calli)sent me a message on myspace and said "hey, have you talked to laura?"..... so i called laura back and told her i dont think it was working because she is lying about something, she swore up and down she wasnt lying and nothing was wrong. so, i told her that it was over, cause she knows i do not tolerate lying. well i haddent talk to her all week, and yesterday i was online and she explained to me that she was really sorry about everything and that she felt really bad about it all. she told me that last sunday she just felt like she never got to see me, which is understandable. then she said that last week she ran into her ex bf, matt. so they just talked. and her parents called him and asked if he would be home for dinner and they invited her over for dinner. not really too bad, i just dont like the idea of her sneaking around with ex's. well she said nothing happened, they just talked and had dinner with her parents. i thought about it a while and i wasnt as mad about the talking to the ex part as i was her lying about it and hiding it. but that part really got me thinking, i run into my ex's all the time, i will sit and talk to them a while its not that big of a deal, so why would she hide it. UNLESS something happened.... ya know?
o and to add to it, before i found out she was with her ex and that crap........ she tried to log into myspace a while back and the website was one of those fake ones that log your info. so she changed her email and password. well she didnt have another email address so i let her use one of mine....anyways, well i was gonna add her to my friends again and set her in my top 4. well i didnt know what her new pw was so i did the forgot password thing. well i got the email.... it was matthew07..... her ex bf.
i told her i thought it was best if we just didnt talk for a while... does everyone think this is best?