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General Discussion \  chick problems, i need your thoughts....

chick problems, i need your thoughts....

General Discussion
views 2845
replies 31
following 14
devb22   +1y

Keep your head up and just enjoy the time with your friends/family.

Glad you got it figured out.

lalunette   +1y

From experience I can tell you that the "we can still be friends" is BS.

Also, long distance relationships are doomed from the very beginning. How can you bond and commit to someone you see only once or twice a month?

Dump her like yesterday's dirty laundry and find someone fresh and exciting in your neck of the woods.

Good luck to you man!!
_juice_   +1y
i know some long distance relationships work out for the best but im sure most fail and my wife see each other everyday...we're as close distance as you can get and we bitch and fight

you probably made the right choice though man, i mean people change if they really want to but it doesnt sound like she was ever "sorry" for keeping it from you in the begining...cant expect them to change if they dont feel sorry about it and want to make it right
mazdachick   +1y
long distance relationships never work newayz and ur a mini trucker u should have no prob gettin another chick
projekt94 (david)   +1y

hey now chickie!!! mine did!!!!!!!

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night rider   +1y
i dont remember if i posted this, i dont feel like reading all i wrote but i had been saving some $$ to buy her something decent for christmas as well as fly her over here or for her to drive... well, i decided to spend that $$. so i got my self a new front bumper.... lower valance, and both end pieces. i know its not much. but its 1 step closer and something to do. lol
pancake   +1y
Hey bro, I have seen many a dude lose his girl over here, I think we are about 75 percent divorce rate for the year. It takes a special woman to not wander away while her man is not in the area. It takes a special man not to wander away too. From what I have seen and this is only my experience. Without trust you have no relationship. The second that is entered in to the equation chalk it up to a loss. I have rarely seen people get over it. Not with out one of two things. A shit ton of work, OR (not and) stupidity. Here is what I can tell you. Don't settle bro. It took years and years (and years and years) to bump into mrs right, and I went to hs with the damn girl haha. I mean besides the fact that she drives an Audi she is pretty much perfect. There is no question of loyalty on either side. I spent a large portion of my past life running through random ho's (it is an infantry requirement) and I can tell you that there are two types of women. The kind you ball, and the kind you date/marry. Never the twain shall meet. Any woman who is interested in you for your possesions is just sad. If you are getting laid for your car/truck go for it. But wear a condom and don't marry her. Now if it so happens that she is a gear head and she loves working on stuff that is a different story MARRY HER! I am trying to convince mine why driving 45000 dollars worth of mazda for my daily isn't a good idea... uggg i wish she was a gear head. But seriously what we do is awesome. It builds lasting friendships and leads to many professional opportunities. I got my first photography gig (tailgate magazine when it first came out) from a forum just like this. I will have 2 friends at my wedding. Both minitruckers. I didn't even invite my army friends. We have a special bond that transcends trucks or anything else. We are fortunate. When I stepped away from minitrucking for ohhh going on 6 yrs now my boys my true boys didn't care if I was building, shooting for mags, going to shows. They were all still there. Now go out bang bar flies, but when you see a good one keep her. You will know a good one because everything will just fall into place. Don't try and force it bro. And if you are disheartend still don't hesitate to put the screws to her friend/sister/mother... it will probably quell the sting. haha
night rider   +1y
lol thanks man. im completely done with her. im not trying to patch shit up with her. not even a friend ship. f that. i actually have talked to her since last weekend. thought about her, yet. but ive managed not to let my self text her call her message her or anything. so i think im doing good.

and nah, she is FAR from a gear head. she is a spoiled lil b*tch to be honest. she has NEVER pumped her own gas, never worked, other then baby sitting and house sitting, never cut the damn grass, cant cook.... so i guess she is a total loss. lol
projekt94 (david)   +1y
pancake ur a god hahahaha listen to him man and to me too the right woman will walk up to u without u even knowing. my wife loves my trucks, running or not, in fact shes thinking of starting one herself, so i guess i lucked out hahaha be on the look out for the right girl dragging by ya
night rider   +1y
well i used some of that money i was saving and bought new bumper covers, lower valance, headlights, and clear corners.

$40 shipped - see:

i also bought dad a new bumper deflector for his car. he is into that ham radio stuff and had this antenna that had like 50 different wires laid across the ground and one of them got caught and ripped it off.

new pics at not many tho