Hey bro, I have seen many a dude lose his girl over here, I think we are about 75 percent divorce rate for the year. It takes a special woman to not wander away while her man is not in the area. It takes a special man not to wander away too. From what I have seen and this is only my experience. Without trust you have no relationship. The second that is entered in to the equation chalk it up to a loss. I have rarely seen people get over it. Not with out one of two things. A shit ton of work, OR (not and) stupidity. Here is what I can tell you. Don't settle bro. It took years and years (and years and years) to bump into mrs right, and I went to hs with the damn girl haha. I mean besides the fact that she drives an Audi she is pretty much perfect. There is no question of loyalty on either side. I spent a large portion of my past life running through random ho's (it is an infantry requirement) and I can tell you that there are two types of women. The kind you ball, and the kind you date/marry. Never the twain shall meet. Any woman who is interested in you for your possesions is just sad. If you are getting laid for your car/truck go for it. But wear a condom and don't marry her. Now if it so happens that she is a gear head and she loves working on stuff that is a different story MARRY HER! I am trying to convince mine why driving 45000 dollars worth of mazda for my daily isn't a good idea... uggg i wish she was a gear head. But seriously what we do is awesome. It builds lasting friendships and leads to many professional opportunities. I got my first photography gig (tailgate magazine when it first came out) from a forum just like this. I will have 2 friends at my wedding. Both minitruckers. I didn't even invite my army friends. We have a special bond that transcends trucks or anything else. We are fortunate. When I stepped away from minitrucking for ohhh going on 6 yrs now my boys my true boys didn't care if I was building, shooting for mags, going to shows. They were all still there. Now go out bang bar flies, but when you see a good one keep her. You will know a good one because everything will just fall into place. Don't try and force it bro. And if you are disheartend still don't hesitate to put the screws to her friend/sister/mother... it will probably quell the sting. haha