Been living in an apartment for a couple months now. Felt it was time for a lil self-protection. You know, some people dont fight alone, and well, It's fun to shoot monkeys in a barrel.
Saturday (the 15th) there was a gun & knife show out here. I wanted to by a Springfield Armory XD-45 acp. They were over $500. So I stepped back, held a few difft. guns, from S&W, Walther, Taurus, Baretta, Glock, and a few others, including Ruger. future father-in-law and his good friend was there also. They asked what I was intrested in, and told me to think about it before I get it. So I did. I changed my mind after holding and talking about 12 to 15 different pistols. My older sister has a Ruger P89 (9mm) from '96 or '97, they've put close to 2500 rounds thru it, and its never had problems, no jams, nothing. SO I went with a Ruger as well.
Ruger P345 in stainless...