I told my girl if I ever had to sell my truck for whatever reason for us to be able to be together,I would,and she said "you don't have to to. I know you love your truck and I love it too,I wouldn't ever make you get rid of it for me." That's cool,but if I want to move and be with her and stuff,really it's not feasible to hang onto the truck. It's just a drain on my wallet when I could put money towards rent and necessities. The truck is just a toy...a very expensive one at that. Plus,if I move,I probably won't have parking for it,or a place to keep it or work on it,so I'd probably have to end up getting rid of it anyways.
Now,I agree with you so much on the boredom part,but my problem is,I get bored and I start to work on the truck and get ideas and that's when it starts to get impulsive and expensive....