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General Discussion \  installing notches tomorrow and have a question

installing notches tomorrow and have a question

General Discussion
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replies 15
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itslikewhooa   +1y
Tomorrow I'm going to be installing my notches, and a new rear section of frame (everything behind the notches) whats the best way of going about doing this with out the frame getting all tweaked?

I was thinking just tacking the front of the notches in where there gonna go, and then just cutting everything out, and starting from scratch. making sure it is square and level as I go... is this the correct way of going about this??

thanks in advance
mazdadropped   +1y
yes , take lots of measurements and make sure you fully weld the notches in before removing the old section of frame , for strength reasons and make sure its all level is also very important good luck , take lots of photos
itslikewhooa   +1y
ha ha yea ill be taking a lot of photos and updating my build as i go.....

when you say weld in the notches before i remove the old frame... not sure how that would work here's a quick pic of what I'm doing... just so were all on the same page.

thread post photo

I'm replacing everything in the red circle, and if i weld the rear section on the notch in to the old frame, id just be cutting it out after welding it.... so should I just weld the front of the notch and remove the rest of the old frame and work it from there with the new metal?
slamditbig   +1y
hes trying to say weld in both sides of the notch, inside and out then top peice then after sides and top is in and welded up then cut the center out. after that is done weld in the bottom
itslikewhooa   +1y
yeah I got that.... but that's not what I'm doing.... I'm replacing the old frame behind the notches as well as installing the notches.... so I'm not just cutting the center out....
slamdtaco   +1y
just make sure to measure as mentioned and plate/reinforce where you join the old and the new
skrapinsask   +1y

great information for you!
paparoach1983   +1y
i would say build the back half as square as possible then cut the old frame where the notch will be but make sure you have welds going through the notch. square everything up on jackstands making sure the height of the backhalf is level. measure a mill times for being square then tack check measurements again. then weld it all up and plate the joints and where they overlap its might be overkill to some but this is the way i have seen them done and plan to do mine. PREFERABLY with tubing lol.
skrapinsask   +1y
I think you had asked me about where the axle lines up with the frame. I plumb bobbed mine last night and its a 1/4" from that hole towards the cab.
itslikewhooa   +1y
thanks.... heading out to the garage now to start working on it