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General Discussion \  What Have you done to your truck today?

What Have you done to your truck today?

General Discussion
views 72519
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following 143
89mazdawg(daniel)   +1y
kicked it, and then decided to put in a new toggle switch for my compressors since mine burnt up last night for some reason
bagged89mazda   +1y
what new thing i do to my truck ( well my daily)? Well not really i did But some one felt i needed more ventalation in my truck so they broke my triangle window in my f150 . and to add another mod they broke my glove box door lach . They also felt i didn't need my Grandfathers tools any more or my boss's gps that was locked in my glove box . Yay me ! what a way to kick me in the balls Ohio! bunch of fucking douche bags who don't want to work and steall what they want. i'm 33yrs old and have owned vehicles with upto 1,000 $ in stereo equipment and my tools in the vehicle and not once had gotten broke into. what hurts is they stole the tools that belonged to my grandfather , granted we didn't get along much for a couple years but in the end he was still my grand father , and the tools were the last of his belongings i had of him. This is why i don't want to bring the mazda to ohio . I don't want to bring it unless the place i move into is FORT KNOX . cause i know if i parked it out there someone would steal the compressor , the valves, the tank etc cause its in the open. Guess it was a good thing i didn't install my cd player in the f150 for some audio entertainment, cause my alpine would have been gone too!

fastonthetrack   +1y
^^^^ Sucks man, its happened to me too countless times in Socal when I was there^^^^

Moved it into the garage, so its not outside while im gone for 2 weeks.

Cleaned the HELL out of my cadillac. Ordered new Valves from 89mazdawg for the cad.
tucnrim   +1y
Today I got both of my door panels back on, freshly wrapped in black fabric Installed my door speakers and hooked up a high's amp to them. Also cleaned it out a little on the inside.
gibson   +1y
drove it. filled the fuel tank, 8.4 gallons on 145 miles, idk mpg of that.
bagged89mazda   +1y

if i did the math right thats 17mpg
fergusontom45   +1y
rattle canned the valance, endcaps, and grill....all i can afford at the moment lol
huskerdually   +1y
Started working on the sub box for my son's, and scraped some of the sound deadening and left over carpet padding from the floor of mine.
paparoach1983   +1y
toddluck   +1y
Drove it low and slow to work!!!