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General Discussion \  What Have you done to your truck today?

What Have you done to your truck today?

General Discussion
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fergusontom45   +1y
got squirrelly at a stop light and fishtailed seriously though, it just seemed like everything was going wrong today, and i hit my breaking point right about the time the left turn signal went green.... and i popped the clutch and floored it, bogged a bit but once the tire was loose.... i didn't think it would be able to do that.... cheered me up alittle..... wasn't really a fishtail to be proud of but hey it
rbriggs   +1y
got my truck running, bodydrop here i come
leo   +1y
Well the ac compressor seized yesterday battery went bad and now replaced the alternator today. did not realize these damn little japanese parts were so expensive. on way home started to hesitate like it was dying then would take off only to do it again a little while later..... so I gave the little truck a really nasty stare before coming inside
rbriggs   +1y
yea the stare gets it done usually lolz works for me, reinstalled engine a couple days ago and vacuum lines were all out of wack(got a diagram if anyone needs it) so i got them straight and no fire, so dang i started messing with them again, and thank god it fired up, so i go home and start making brackets and templates for the bodydrop, and my buddy calls me ( its at his house ,templates were traced prior) and says damn truck wont start i redid all vacuum lines and still no start i dont know wtf it is, so i was like damn i drove to his house to figure it out.... battery terminal on ground was cracked down center not getting a good ground, held it on, fired right up... some people are so smart there stupid, haha
leo   +1y
yea Briggs I hear ya. I think I have all the signs of a clogged cat. Sometimes we are so smart we are stupid.... I like that
rbriggs   +1y
well today i didnt do much to the truck, but i did start a blog about it, upload what little pictures i had, created a vehicle on this site, and ready to get this blog/build thing ready, so check that out, pictures suck but hey they will work for now, just started the truck a month ago from stock so all input negative and positive will be sweet, anyways i did however find a set of eskies ( escalade rims 17",chrome) on craigs list for 200$, so ima jump on that like stink on shit!
mazdaman82   +1y
drug the ass coming out of the gas station..almost ripping the roll off and puting a huge creak down the side of the bed...( damn i need to stop draging this thing, theres going to be nothing left to fix later)
leo   +1y
Figured out what was goin on with my truck. Pulled the cat and it was still givin me fits. Then i noticed a small intermitant spark by one of the wires. AH HA new set of wires and BLAM better truck. Just gotta wait on a set of cat gaskets. sounds mean with no exhaust lol
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
I got my bed and front bumper primered
leo   +1y
installed second new alt within a week. getting to know the truck quite well. removed the aftermarket cruise control, and the after market tach along with a bunch of wiring from a really poorly done set of fog lights.

figured out i have cerwin vega dash speakers. I guess they are good ones but am not as familiar with them...