A lot of us aren't going to comment on "idea" posts if its an idea that has already had thorough discussion before. Someone mentioned a post you made about wanting to do a kia swap... I know I've personally commented on several threads involving the kia swap, haven't done one myself, but I have looked into it, and in fact, there are 2 sportages at my local yard, and I stood staring at each at different times wishing I had the money to go ahead and get a complete motor.
Start small on your mods, and get some progress going. Hell half of my build is me doing small talk, and minor updates. People wait a while before they comment so they can comment on total current progress as opposed to commenting on every little thing each time you post. Its happens to me, and it happens to everyone else.
For the most part, my build has been with parts I've scrounged from junk yards... I've built a few one off parts, I've modified parts for a one off look. You're imagination and creativity and skills until you practice a few times are all that really can limit you. I had never really welded before until I had to rebuild my truck then I was forced to learn. Yeah there are some things I wish I could have done different but that comes with the learning curve