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General Discussion \  How many people have the Kia swap in there Mazda need help

How many people have the Kia swap in there Mazda need help

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lsumazdarider   +1y
A friend did a Kia swap in my 92 b22 now it's having issues I can start it up let it run till it warms up less then ten mins turn it of then it won't crank turn over but won't crank but if the motor is cold it will start no prob does this over an over any ideas it's not filters I checked them
mazdafvr   +1y
is there any kind of switch that would keep it from starting if its too hot, maybe somthings tripping it making the ecu think its over heating. idk that sounds weird. how does it run when its running/driving. any hesitations or sputters? id try running it to operating temp, take a plug out and make sure you got spark, if not see if the ecu throws any codes. any lights on the instrument panel when running? I think they can hook it up at advance or any given mechanic, not sure tho as I don't have the
lsumazdarider   +1y
Runs fine for most part acts like it has a loss of power somtimes don't think there's a cut off switch this things funny when u get it to start it will run till u run out of gas but u rurn it off take a while for it to start
mazdafvr   +1y
hmm, kinda sounds like a fuel issue, I wish I knew more about those motors. you could try blowing compressed air through the gas lines to make sure they aren't clogged up, or check for clogged injectors. or bypass the filter temporarily to make sure (incase its a thicker filter than needed but unlikely). you can check the fuel pump (assuming the fe-3 has an electric one) by turning the key to run position and see if u hear a click while warm and cold, see if temp has any affect. other than that im out of ideas. ill see if I cant find anything on the net about it.
mazdafvr   +1y
so far I got, check for intake mani leaks, (id check for any leaks by spraying starter fluid around intake and injectors) and knock sensor (I know nothing about that), also it could be issue with the fuel pump or ignition moduel / coil pack, could also check fuel pressure. also, does the starter turn the motor over faster when cold, does the starter struggle while at running temp? also check and make sure your cat isn't clogged (unless its new) but from what im reading, a lot of people are saying it was sucking in air either from a loose air housing or leaking intake mani ect, also stated that while cold, started fine for the most part, but had to floor it to start hot, and still barely started. so hopefully u just got an air leak somewhere. if not just google kia sportage wont start hot, you can find some ideas there. good luck.
lsumazdarider   +1y
Cats new fuel pump an both filters are new I just ant out there would not start starts fine hot or cold I started it Saturday it would go up to 1000rpms then drop to 0 almost die then go back up 1000 the drop an die I drove it down the road would do same thing so I floored it there was a pop the. Ran fine now it doing this
lsumazdarider   +1y
Don't think it's firing I mess with fuel pump relay pump comes on still will not start just turn over
charlesskelter   +1y
I've been thinking about this since Saturday. The fuel pump we know is good, the relay we determined is good. Once she's running she doesn't clog up blocking fuel flow, so even though there is some trash in your filter, it's definitely not blocking fuel flow.

Did the starter slow at all after the first time when it starts? I don't think I payed too much attention other than the starter was spinning. Is it a gear reduction starter or a direct drive starter?
lsumazdarider   +1y
Don't think it did slow down an I not sure
lsumazdarider   +1y
Ok I tryed. a few things still won't start any thing u guys know Bout these motors would help I think it's not getting spark I pulled a plug wire off an put a old plug in no spark or shock I did the same thing with my other Mazda don't know what I did but it shocked hell out of me so I know the plug is good any one know why Kia motor not sparking or know another way I can try