dat dood
I will start this by saying I am not Canadian so I cannot speak on the laws you have in place or the procedures set forth. I can give a little bit of overall insight as I have lived in MANY states and multiple countries and enforce military regulations/instructions on a daily basis.
1. It sounds as though the officer may have already wtitten the ticket (in his head) before even approaching your window. Profiling is wrong but it happens daily, it's human nature.
2. ALWAYS plead your case, maybe the officer had a bad day and will be more receptive to you before or during your first court date. What's to lose?
3. When you do get to court, bring a copy of your driving record, be clean shaved, wear slacks a button-up and dress shoes. You want to look, speak and act intelligent and educated. You should appear in court as an upstanding citizen "John Q. Public", if you will. Cover up your tattoos if possible, etc.
4. If the officer doesn't cooperate prior to or during trial, throw yourself on the mercy of the judge, or, if possible, request a jury trial.
5. If you can have a jury trial postpone the date as many times as possible. Officers tend to move to new divisions, departments, etc every few years. If he's isn't there to state what he saw, they have no case. If he does show up, you want the incident to be so far back in his memory it's unclear.
6. ALWAYS remain tactful, and respectful; it goes a long way when dealing with authority of any sort.
7. Keep your nose clean between now and then. You don't want so much as a parking ticket to tarnish your record.
Worst case, they don't help you any and you postponed the inevitable.
Good luck, Brad