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General Discussion \  The funniest forum game ever

The funniest forum game ever

General Discussion
views 67979
replies 1094
following 104
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Wow.... I've put together some wordy / confusing bans before but I'm pretty sure you have beat me with that one. So, I ban you for being more confusing than I am.
hunterw   +1y
linn i ban you for having a birthday! so now you get swats with the ban hammer!
mazdaman82   +1y
i ban you for reminding him he's getting older....and wiser.....(me ass kissing)
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
I ban you for ass kissing - porn is not allowed on this site!

But still appreciated none the less LMAO
hunterw   +1y
linn, your banned. no reason whatso ever. you now apart of "making the ban" and "rock ban" and you sing the song "rubberban man" and we all know you listen to the steve miller ban! lol
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
I ban your corny ass for coming up with that. LOL (even though I am really laughing my arse off at it right now)
hunterw   +1y
no banning here lol....good call for banning the cornyness i call comedy lol!
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
I ban you again for admitting you are corny. LOL
hunterw   +1y
i hereby banneth you for admitting you laughed and lol'd at my corny(but very good) jokes
mazdaman82   +1y
i ban you for talking mid evil in a time were every one leaves have a word