Depending which state you are in determines access to Medical Cannabis. In a State such as Georgia, where Med-Cat has been legal since 1933, Medical practitioners have been prescribing it since that time. While I was incarcerated in the Cobb County Jail, I met a Mr. Hatcher, who disclosed to me that his mother had been taking Medical Marijuana in 1961, for treatment of glaucoma symptoms.
California got all the publicity, but Georgia has been Medically legal since Prohibition was repealed.
Ohio= have not state
Kentucky= have not state
Tennessee= have not state
Alabama= have not state
Michigan= have state
Georgia= have state
California= have state
Oregon= have state
Washington= have state
Colorado= have state
What state are you in?
A CATAPAULT was used to fling Medical Marijuana INTO the United States. They KNOW we need it. We are a sick country. Demons hate marijuana. AVAY with you. And STAY AVAY.