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Mazda Projects \  TUKN22s


Mazda Projects
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22s or go home   +1y
from the back
post photo
paparoach1983   +1y
MAN those rims are big but still sweet little truck man.
all22s   +1y

i wasn't talking about drop... so if my truck lays out isn't even a concern. i was asking about his lift. my truck with all stock components had a certain amount of lift. if his truck (minus the bd) most likely would have the same amount of lift as mine. and yes i compared my truck to your turd. but if you reread my original posting i was complimenting his truck and not comparing it.
wow one pic in minitruckin.....when you get a feature then call me!
cl (chris)   +1y

The "MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOUR DICK" is pathetic why whore up this guys thread with all your bullshit. Send each other your emails and then go for it! If youre going to judge how sweet your ride is by if you got one photo or a cover in minitruckin than I guess my truck is the shit I got a whole page in under construction section.................LOL grow up please or take it elsewere. By the way nice truck 22 or go home!
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
well put Chris and thanks for the help.
toddluck   +1y
im hung like a raisin
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Fruit of the Loom raisin or 2 scoops raisin LMAO
rizz0   +1y
just to clear things up (i built the truck with tons of help from the owner) lift has alot to do with can only cycle the suspension so to get extreme drop you have to take away from the lift.....the lower balljoint only has so much travel that it can achieve so when the arms were built they were done so at full droop the ball joints were just shy of being bottomed out and when the suspension is at full bump it locks the balljoint up stoping the truck from going any the owner mentioned we tossed around the idea of sending the spindles back to god (aka max fish) to have him weld on uniballs onto the lower part of the spindle and get more lift... (it gets just shy of 11 inches of travel now) but with the geometry of these little trucks it is already towing out at the 11 inches and anymore lift would just make it the fact that it was built to drive 2 inches off the ground at all times..... and the rear bags are def gusseted and the brakes are def true and square to the some it up though lift looks alot different to the eyes from a non bd truck to something bd and even more so from a truck that is on a huge roller like this one.... but all you have to do to see if you get the same amount of travel is measure from mid fender to the floor when all the way down.... then measure from mid fender to the floor when all the way up....if the numers are more than 11 inches different then you got me beat... if they are not then its your eyes playing tricks on you.......
paparoach1983   +1y
^^^^^Well put man. i never thought about that.
all22s   +1y
i'm assuming my eyes were playing tricks on me... i just was looking from the top of wheel to bottom of fender gap..... but no matter what its a cool truck....glad to see someone else is doing it big