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Mazda Projects \  OK! I'm gonna give you just 1! (pg. 5)

OK! I'm gonna give you just 1! (pg. 5)

Mazda Projects
views 8381
replies 82
following 29
snoplow   +1y
pretty sure there is no frame damage. so thats a plus. worst case is you will need new radiator support. inner fender you should be able to bang out. i did with mine. just pull the other fender off and pull lots of measurements. i used all the hole on the inner support. depending on the damage will determine the amount from ins. when the old guy pulled out in front of me they totaled mine and gave me $2900. bought it back for $400.hope it works out well for you!!
fattirebicycles   +1y
It doesn't matter what the cop puts down. When his insurance company tries to contact oyurs to work the deal out, they will find that you don't have insurance, and it will automatically become your fault, because you had no insurance, and therefore you shouldn't have been driving at all, let alone be there for him to hit. It's gay, i know, but that's how it works. been there.
toddluck   +1y
it depend in what state you live in in wash you will get a no insurance ticket but your truck will get covered by the other insurance
tunameltman   +1y
Well here in about an hour or 2 I will know the big frame answer, then I guess we go from there
92mazdab2200   +1y

ms is like that
badchicn (rick)   +1y
Man that sucks! I think you will come out ok in the end. Like others have said, the other's ins will total your truck. Buy it back cheap and you can fix it pretty easy. I doubt the frame is damaged. At most it is a control arm. This has happened twice to me. Once it was my fault, and the second time I was rear ended. Oh yeah and the trucks title will say "salvaged". Both of my trucks are title that way.
tunameltman   +1y
Well I have a little bit of a good news update, the frame doesn't seem to be twisted warped or anything, so about 99% chance that once all the insurance stuff is said and done I will buy my truck back. I honestly still think they will total it and so does my dad. So i guess we'll see what goes on from here.
200plusmph   +1y
mine was way worse than that you will have to negotiate or fight rather with the insurance co. your medical i don't know about maybe you should get an attorney but mine 1990 i needed the entire front clip a/c radiator etc etc state farm gave me 1800 bucks
speedster93b   +1y
remember fed ex has deep pockets. my mother in law got rearended by a city truck and she got like 6G's plus they repaired her car.
speedster93b   +1y
oh and it was a mid-late 80's subaru wagon. lol