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Mazda Engine General \  new project,smoking problems guys!

new project,smoking problems guys!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 22
following 12
watt   +1y
my truck does the same exact thing. im just gonna buy a new motor and call it good.
crazymikey   +1y
best way to go. no screwing around.

I went to go look at an FI '92 B2200 this week,and it smoked bad. I walked away at that point,didnt want to spend money on another one.
pont   +1y
Crazy that would be true if his smoke was blue but its white

blue is oil
white is coolent
baggedb22   +1y
but the only thing is crazymikey in 2 blocks the truck wouldn't even start to get warmed up and the smoking would stop i'll have to let it run alittle and see if it stops like said above it only ran for about 45 sec last night...
hocbj23   +1y
As posted above did the head shop magnaflux ur head to check for cracks and did they true it to be sure it wasnt warped? Sounds like just a teeny bit of coolant is leaking into a cylinder when the truck sits o'nite which causes the white smoke.It doesnt take much to create a big cloud of smoke.BJ
nytrdr24   +1y
did you look while the head was off to see if there was any blow by marks or carbon build up on the cyl. walls? not only are the mazdas bad about the seals & guides in the head, but the piston rings are notorious for sticking / cracking / breaking too.....i would hope the head shop checked it out before reworking it as it would be almost pointless to rework a cracked head unless you got it welded & i wouldn't trust an aluminum head that has been welded.....but that is just the comp test, if bad, it would point to rings or a scored cylinder wall......mazda's are also bad about letting coolant seep past the head gasket around the front cylinder of the the gasket could be silly up too...good luck with getting it fix'd.
mark   +1y
you have a wierd situation

but I think you have a cracked head. some of the white smoke on start-up may just be condensation since it's been cold lately, but i'm sure some of it is coolant. This is the thing I'm not understanding. If you're getting coolant into your cylinders overnight and it's burning off, that means a good sized crack. If you have a good sized crack, this thing would NOT stop smoking once it's running. But if you have a hairline crack on the head, it may not even start leaking coolant until you're near running temperature, which can take a couple of minutes.

Have you ran this thing longer than 5minutes? Since the smoke stops, have you ran it enough long enough to reach normal operating temp? If it's a cracked head, it's going to definately leak coolant at running temperature. It's not just gonna leak over night when you shut it off and then the aluminum decides it wants to join together and close.

Just trying to help you out, because it's not making sense to why it would just smoke WHITE on startup, then STOP. If it's a crack anywhere, it's going to leak when it's at running temp, not stop.
hocbj23   +1y
Naw,man.when head is cool it contracts,lets the crack open just a tad,coolant drips in cylinder,when truck is started ,big cloud of white smoke.When truck gets warm,metalexpands,crack seals up,no mo leak,no mo smoke.BJ
mark   +1y
I know that, and the metal does exactly that, it expands. It doesn't just expand to seal it, it's expanding in every direction. With a weak spot in something that holds pressure like a cylinder head, a crack will tend to get pressed outward or inward when warm, since the metal is more pliable warm, and it's expanding, therefore actually letting coolant by. It applies to everything that is pressurized. The expansion of the metal is hardly enough to overcome the pressure from the flowing and expanding coolant.

I had a hair line crack on my previous B2200 head. It did not smoke until running temperature.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y

Exactly.... If there is a small crack somewhere is the combustion chamber it verywell could seal back up not long after startup. I could offer many ways to check this but if the answer to either of BJ's questions is no then it's a mute point.