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Mazda Engine General \  need help asap

need help asap

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 14
following 7
bagged_91_2600i   +1y
i bought my b2600 for 150 and the owner said all it neeeded was a radiator so i got it a new battery and did a tune up on it i got it all done and let it run and everything seemed fine i linced and tilted it today and i drove it down the road for the first time but it stated to get hot real quick so i drove home before it over heated i parked and then smoked poored out from under the hood i opended it and i found like a dull orange lookin luiquid shoot all over the firewall directly behind the motor and it smells funny but dont know what it is help me out if you can thanks

fantomrush   +1y
Sounds like that orange antifreeze. Start it up and see if you can find out where its coming from. Sounds like it might need a headgasket.
hocbj23   +1y
How about rusty water from a blown headgasket or a blown head or a leaky heater hose?If the liquid feels oily when u rub it between ur fingers it probably is antifreeze,if not may be rusty water.If it started overheating fast,ur thermostat may be rusted shut.bJ
bagged_91_2600i   +1y
no i just replace it when i put the new raditator in it so its not ructed shut
nytrdr24   +1y
sounds like a coolant hose, or the head gasket.....
bagged_91_2600i   +1y
my tach has 180000 on the odameter do you think a re-man motor or fix the headgasket?? or do a diff engine swap and if so what kind???
hocbj23   +1y
If u only paid 150 bucks for the truck and IF the body is in good shape,u can afford to rebuild that 2600i motor and not go thru an engine swap.Stock 2600is make 120 horsepower,have lots or torque and other than computer failures are not known to have ongoing problems.There arent very many after market speed parts -even less than 2200s. If the body sucks--whole nother problem.BJ
bagged_91_2600i   +1y
no the body is awsome only has a lil rust so the only thing holdin me up is the engine so you think i should just rebuild it??? how much you think it will cost???
maztang (ryan)   +1y
i would flush the radiator, change the hoses, and see what happens. if it over heats again, change the water pump. you may also have a clogged heater core or something. if you rebuild the engine yourself it will not cost much. i can't give an exact price but i wouldn't imagine more than a grand on a stock rebuild, and i am saying the head and block. but i could be wrong.

when you changed the radiator, did you open the drain and run a water hose through it while it was running, then kill it let it drain and the add anti freeze to it? or did you just drain it and swap the rad.?
bagged_91_2600i   +1y
no i just put my rad in then filled it up with anti freze and let it run