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Mazda Engine General \  302 engine swap

302 engine swap

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 3156
replies 23
following 9
g_money   +1y
Hello guys I just got my hands on a almost mint 1989 B2200 the only thing wrong with it was a bad head that I just sent to the shop. I found this awesome site by luck and seen all your guys badass trucks on here. I would pay 50 to 100 bucks for a step by step process on how to do the 302 swap and to locate a set of motor mounts for it or a how to on making the mounts. So in the future if the engine goes out again I could do the swap i wold really appreciate it very much. I would very much would like to turn this truck into a sleeper in the neaar future.
mazdamandan   +1y
ther was a guy in kelowna BC who did this with a huge air scoop. cant recall his ID, I'll see if I can help ya contact him.
mazdamandan   +1y
info on here is free!!!
mazdamandan   +1y
experience is what has acost attached to it lol
g_money   +1y
Im a pretty good mechanic ive swapped out a couple of blown engines and put them back in but never did any fabriicating whatssoever. Thats one thing i would love to learn is how to swap out an original engine and put a different one in. Man ive seen some killer swaps on this site and it got me all pumped up. Did those kits they used to sell lined up to a tee? because if they did i would sure love to get my hands on one. Thanks for the help fellas. oh yeah i would love to bag my truck also
nytrdr24   +1y
check out baggedb22, he has a 302 in his, & a 9" ford rear end....he could help you with info on the swap.....

oh, welcome to the b-scene!
rutter0907   +1y
i've got a 302 with a tremec tko tranny, and a narrowed ford 9" rearend. in my 90. i got plenty of pictures i can email you too. i've also got a set of brand new motor mounts for sale for a 302.
baggedb22   +1y
NYTRDR24 was close but not exactly right, i have an 351 winsor, c6 tranny, and a 98 mustang 8.8 with disc brakes and an lsd in mine. the swaps pretty much self explanitory, i did run larger fuel line, but other than that im running the stock fuel tank, if u run fords electronic distributor with there duraspark ignition getting spark to the motor is as easy as one wire, what tranny are u going to run?? i had to move my motor mounts forward alitle built and the tranny mount back alittle bit on both i built off the stock motor and tranny mounts, if your not into cutting the tranny tunnel depending on what tranny u run u will have to dent it with a hammer to clear the bell housing
gravity5   +1y
Hey who narrowed your rearend...I wanna narrow My 8.8 for some 22x10's in the back....