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Mazda Engine General \  still wont start

still wont start

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1816
replies 27
following 8
maztang (ryan)   +1y
maybe when i get moved into my house this weekend we can somehow get it over there and let me tear into it and get it running for you. just a thought.
deviousb2200   +1y
hell that sounds like a plan to me hell I know you will take care of it.. There has been some others that I talk to that wanna bag it want me to let em take it to there place for like a week or so to do the work but I dont know them... anyway just let me know something... also Maztang is it ok to give chad your number so he can catch up with you and get them blocks?
maztang (ryan)   +1y
yeah man, but one of the blocks is cracked, i just noticed it when i got them out of my storage unit. i will still give them to him if you want but i wouldn't recommend using them.

as for the truck, if you have some kind of way to get it down here i can get it completely fixed up for you bro. just let me know. i will be moving in all this weekend.
deviousb2200   +1y
yeah I would wanna roll on cracked blocks either. As for the the truck I am still tryin to figure out how to get it there... thanks by the way
deviousb2200   +1y
ok ok ok I give up. I have had it with this F**king truck. It acts like it wants to start but wont.. I have tried everything that any and everyone has suggested minus taking it to the shop for the simple fact I cant afford it... Anybody else have any Ideas?
mullet   +1y
put your hand over the exhaust and honk have someone honk the horn
madlowmazda   +1y
your timing is off! Make sure you didn't spin the cam gear keyway or spin the crankshaft keyway! By that I mean verify that the crankshaft moves the camshaft via the timing belt- take off the oil cap and look into the valve cover while someone is cranking the engine- verify the valves are moving!

Check to be sure the keyways are in and lined up- maybe you lost a keyway? Mazdas have been known to break a crankshaft keyway- I know this first hand.
deviousb2200   +1y
Ok I pulled the cap off and had my wife turn the key and I watched and the valves are moving not real fast of course since my battery is kinda low but yeah they are moving... If is just barely off will that keep it from not starting??? somebody let me know something please.... thanks for the help that eveyone is giving as well
madlowmazda   +1y
Three thing are needed for an engine to run- fuel, spark and compression- at the correct times!

now that you've verified the valves are moving- and you say you have spark and fuel- then you need to make sure that you have compression- either do a compression test- or a leakdown test. You said that the motor had compression before it was taken apart right?

So most likely it is just a possiblity that the cam and the crank are not correctly timed. Verify that the timing larks line up corrctly with the engine at TDC #1 cylinder!

Does the motor sound like it has compression? Or is it spining too freely?

Also verify correct distributor timing at TDC #1 cylinder! How do you do this? Set engine at TDC #1 cylinder- with correct cam and crank timing! mark on the outside of the distributor with a magic marker the location of the number one spark plug wire on the body of the distributor- then remove the cap and verify that with the engine at tdc #1 cylinder- the distributor cap is pointed at your mark!
maztang (ryan)   +1y

get it to the house, i just moved in and parked the 83. if you can get it down here i will get it running. free of charge. i don't have a phone right now so just let me know on here. later.