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Mazda Engine General \  Truck Won't Move

Truck Won't Move

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 944
replies 10
following 6
pjsbird   +1y
ok, so this is weird. I bought a brand new engine. and a used tranny which i had new seals put in. I installed them myself. Now, i got the engine running like a dream with a new weber carb and header. But whe truck wont move when i put it into reverse, or drive, or any gear for that matter. It does nothing. lol. now i was told that the tranny fluid pump would fill the tourqe converter, so i didnt fill it before hand. Also, the vacuum line from the tranny that comes up to the back of the engine is unplugged, as i dont know where it plugs into. Could that be my problem? any help is greatly apprecitated. Oh. and it only starts in neutral, not in park... stupid truck.

Thanks in advance guys...
nytrdr24   +1y
it has always been my understanding that you should fill the tq converter before you install it.....{confused look / shrugging}

from what i understand, the auto trannys are vac assist, so that might be why it isn't going in gear, what size vac line is it running off the tranny, did you unhook it to install the weber?

on the cranking in neutral, i think there is a switch that won't let you crank it but in p or n, so that switch could be bad in the p position...?

sorry i'm no more help than that, i know that none of these solve your prob, but at least it is something to look at....

have no fear though, someone else will chime in with some words of wisdom for you!
pjsbird   +1y
thanks for the help anyways man. is there a way to fill the tourqe converter without removing the tranny again? And the vacumm assited tranny thing... where does that line plug into???
nytrdr24   +1y
no way to fill it w/o droppin the tranny.....

i'd say it hooks onto the intake manifold, not sure though as mine is a 5 spd. do ya have a chiltons book on it, it should tell where it goes to...
pont   +1y
You have to fill the converter before you install it.
They had a show on TV once with Jessie James,
were he went to the war zone to build a Hummer and they forgot to put the fluid in the converter. Long story short it fried the tranny pump and did not get to finish the job. Oh and by the way it would not move ether and they did not run it for very long.
lowblownranger   +1y
drop the tranny fill the convertor or your going no where i know it sucks but he everyone makes mistakes... trust me i live by mistakes
slammedyota91   +1y
always and i mean always fill the tc first, you can fry your tranny easily and also the tc easily if you dont. good luck man
pjsbird   +1y
well, the engine idled for about 45 minutes... it was ideling so I could adjust my carb, timing, ect. it was the first time I had run the engine so i was figuring all sorts of thigs out. what are the chances i toasted the converter????
pjsbird   +1y
midnightmike   +1y
did u connect the shifter linkage? sound stupid but u never know is it shifting properly?