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Mazda Engine General \  CHECK IT OUT! My f2t boostin!

CHECK IT OUT! My f2t boostin!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 43
following 18
baggedb22   +1y
Ok guys so the 2.2 in my 92 b2200 se-5 if screwed but the body is beautiful, so after looking for awhile for a motor, i get a call from my step dad and he says he found a demolished 88mx-6 with an f2t in it out back of a local mechanics garage, i told him to get a price on it, the mechanic said he would take $135 bucks for it so i got the car i figured for $135 if it didn't run i could make it. Well i got it in my garage last night and had to break the ignition switch to get it running b/c we had no key, stuck a new battery in it, sprayed a very small amount of starting fluid in it, and it turned right over it has 150-155 psi of compression on each cylinder, doesn't smoke at all, no knocks, clean oil, and runs good, i got the motor 3/4's of the way out last night. Once i get it out in gonna clean it paint it and stock mockin it up in the b2200... Heres a little video clip of it running...
madlowmazda   +1y

you stole that car! nice find
1990b26akathebeast   +1y
how hard is it to make that engine fit? is that a rear wheel drive car?
nytrdr24   +1y
kool, helluva find for cheap! keep us posted on the progress & take a bunch of pics!
baggedb22   +1y
No its not a real wheel drive car, and the engine bolts to the tranny and bolts into the motor mounts as for the rest i guess well find out, im up for the challange.

NYTRDR24 Thanks man i was go happy when i heard it run! I'll deff post as many pics as possible im gonna go get the rest of the motor out of the car tonight...
toddluck   +1y
good score
madlowmazda   +1y

You have some issues to deal with for your f2t swap-

The engine without accessories will bolt in no problem to the mazda truck, then the trouble begins.

First off- the intake manifold will not fit onto the engine any more- it faces the wrong way at the throttle body-

Solution- an adapter plate can be made to "Flip" the intake around to the front of the truck- b2200gt made one for his out of a 1/2 think peice of aluminum.

The distributor will hit the firewall- as it hangs off the back of the cylinder head- this is going to tbe you single biggest problem, unless you decide to cut a hole in the firewall and do tune ups through the ac vents in the dash, which is possible and doable. If you are not willing to cut a hole in the firewall, a different igntion system must be utilized which as means you can throw away all of that wiring and ecu- cause it won't run at all without the stock distributor. now you are talking alot of work.

Solution: cut the firewall and use the stock distributor- or go aftermarket igintion and standalone engine management.

The turbo exhaust housing/ o2 housing/ dump tube will hit the b2200 stock motor mount in a big way-

solution: fabricate an addition to the stock exhaust manifold to where the turbo will stick out farther from the engine block- allowing clearance for the motor mount, or use a completely differnt turbo setup which places the turbo away from the motor mount.

Those are the biggest issues you are going to have, amongst using stock wiring and adapting misc parts and hoses and connectors/ etc.

I wish you the best of luck with the swap! you definatly got a good motor cheap enough
sudkrap   +1y
Sweet find man! Turbos are fun as hell!
speedster93b   +1y
sweet score.
baggedb22   +1y
madlowmazda, Thanks for the into i already got the adapter plate for the to flip the intake made and im workin on a pipe off the stock exhuast manifold to set the turbo up where u can see it and give it alot more room for a nice big down pipe, As for the dizzy i haven't made my mind up yet, i was thinking about moving the motor and tranny mount forward, seeing as how im running an electric fan, then if i still have to just notching the firewall a small amout. Not sure what im gonna do yet but it will get done when i get there! As for the wiring im gonna try to use the stock mx-6 wiring harness, i just got the schematic today at work but didn't get a chance to look at it yet...