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Your Favorite Isuzus

Isuzu Projects
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speedylowz   +1y

Appreciate it......I have the March Isusue of Minitruckin wit Nick's Blazer on the cover. Is that the one?
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speedylowz   +1y

Yeah I saw that R.A.W made them but I think I am gonna do like u & sicpupidaho did & juz smooth mine. R u heading to THW this year? I wanna check out your truck in person!!!!!
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sicpupidaho   +1y
Look at page 97 that my first time. lol
/// xception   +1y
I have THW on the list of shows I'm goin to this year. I should be heading over to Gator Drag and possibly Lake Charles Show. You going to any of those.
speedylowz   +1y

Aw Yeah!!!!!! I c Ya at the top right lookin good, Congrats. Try to find your Oct. 05 MiniTruckin issue Pg. 19(bottom Right) Also check out April 06 Minitruckin issue (Favra's Blazerado on cover) Pgs 39 & 40.
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speedylowz   +1y

That's Good to hear I will be at all those & Scrapin da Coast, Texas Showdown. I am hoping to get some stuff done on mine before Gator Drag so I can bring the truck. Had to make repairs from dragging at Lakefront Tour 06. Gotta change the bed for starters...........
/// xception   +1y
Holy crap that looks like it hurt. I also have STC on the list too. Not sure if I'm goin to attend Showdown. Well I'll keep an eye out for you.
speedylowz   +1y

It's definetly hurting the WALLET!!! LOL Had fun doing it but It's outta my system for now? I catch up wit ya at GatorDrag.
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/// xception   +1y
Yeah I will be looking for you at Gator Drag. I think I might be indoors at the show. It would be cool if all the Isuzu could park together.
speedylowz   +1y

Yeah That would be kewl to all park together. I am hoping that I get my other bed fixed on the truck before then. Brandon, who puts GatorDrag on has a Zoo also... A build from the ground up I know he is on SSM... suprised he hadn't made it on here yet???? Probably too busy with da SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
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