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Motor Question?

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1967
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fanninator   +1y
juust curious lowmad, does all that bolt directly up? -bf
watt   +1y
hey fan im about 95.578% sure it does.
hocbj23   +1y
I think u can take 5th gear out of a Miata tranny and swap it direct as well and it is way taller than the bseries 5th.BJ
djmojo   +1y

I’m doing an N/A 13b (S5, 89-91 EFI) RX7 swap sometime this year. I’m getting parts together. Anyway, as hocbj23 said, yes they are lighter but god knows they are fucking GAS HOGS! if I pussy foot it everywhere I go in my rx7 I’m lucky to get 18-20 MPG and if I’m stopping it everywhere I go it’s down to like 14-16 mpg. also, if you’re going to use a 12a(S2) or carbed 13b(S3) you’re not looking at too much more power then you already have with your f2, it'll be more a matter of bragging rights than anything. You’ll be at about 100-120 rwhp. And if you’re going to have a turbo 13b your really not going to be to reliable either. Yeah you’ll have close to 200 hp but honestly not the most reliable motors on earth. Don’t get me wrong there are lots or reliable turbo 13bs out there but they are fucking STUPID expensive to build the right way. I’ve been driving RX7s since I got my permit, I’ve been around the wankle block a few times. I guess what I’m saying is that if you are really serious about doing the swap, it’s more of a matter of saying "I built a REPU" than anything else. Because let’s be honest. They aren’t to powerful right off the bat (lord knows they have some NASTY potential to make serious power, but the torque just isn’t there) reliability is so far less than any v8 out there. all and all I guess it’s more of a headache, more expensive for a good build, less reliable, and just as thirsty as a v8 swap. (The only reason why I’m even doing my swap is kuz I know 13bs in and out. haha)
bagdb2200   +1y

The na 13b FI uses the 15/16" input shaft, only the turbo uses the 1" which is the same as the B2600's.
framescraper   +1y
if i drop a 302 into my mazda, do i use the fors or mazda tranny, i would go carbed cause less wiring! has anyone put a 302 into there mazda or i might go with a 350 not sure yet, has anyone done anyone of these yet, let me know how much work is involved thanks!
pepehn   +1y

Efficient is a word that should never be used around rotary motors. Massive oil burning on startup..Oil changes every what..2000km?..And the Fuel efficiency of a smallblock.

I think these trucks do allright on the highway, Theyre imports. The motors were designed to spin 3,000rpm. Mine did around 3,000 or so with my 205 40 17s on, probably around 2,500 with my 235 75 15s and it gets mid 600km's per tank if Im not ripping on it.

Most F2s pull around 300-350,000km ; I haven't too many rotaries pull more than 200, without major problems anyway.
nytrdr24   +1y

baggedb22 has a 302 in his dawg, yes you'd have to use the ford tranny, and will also have to adapt the driveshaft, and probably want to swap to a ford rearend for reliability purposes. a 350 is much more work because of the dizzy on the back of the motor, you'll end up doing tranny, driveshaft, and rear too, but you'll also have to clearance the firewall and tranny is a link to his garage, there is a pic of the 302 install in it.

if you don't want to go thru all of that, just get a kia sportage engine like madlowmazda has, and put it in, you'll go from 85 hp to 140. worst part is the wiring, and i'd rather do that than start cutting into my truck to shoehorn a gas guzzeling v8 (although they are nice for the power)....It all depends on what flips your switch.