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Mazda Engine General \  mazda b2000 engine question..urgent....

mazda b2000 engine question..urgent....

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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jbrewer56   +1y
hi, i have searched hi and low for this answer, even the haynes manual i have doesnt cover it. i have a 86 mazda b2000 it has a 5 speed in it. the motor went and i no longer have it due to a mixed up deal with a repair shop that was supposed to fix it. i have an engine out of a b2200 that was an automatic. it is good, the only thing i notice that is different is the pilot bearing, or lack thereof on the 2.2, there is a metal plate that is in the place i beleive the bearing goes, in the back of the block, im not sure if the bearing is to be in the center of the flywheel or the back of the block... i need to know how to put a bearing in this engine if at all possible. do i need to take the engine down to bareblock to get that plug out to put a bearing in?? please help me.... sincerely.. Jeremy Brewer.. thanks...
pont   +1y
Take the flex plate off and use the 2.0 flywheel and clutch stuff the metal your talking about is most likely the flex plate. A flex plate is what a auto uses instead of a flywheel.
jbrewer56   +1y
nah.... the flexplate, torque convertor are gone, im looking at a plate with six holes and in the middle is a shiny silver plate that is coned inward... i thought there might be a bearing that goes there that the end of the trans shaft goes into on the manual. i have the clutch, flywheel and all.. just needed to know if this peice in the back of the block is different, or if there should be a bearing in the center of the flywheel.. thanks..
hex0rz   +1y
So are you putting the manual 5 speed on the 2200?

Can you post any pics?

EDIT: The throwout bearing FYI goes onto the throwout fork on the tranny mainshaft. The pilot bearing goes inside the hole on the engine block, I believe it does go in the hole with the flywheel, cause I did'nt have to take mine out to do that bearing.

I'm a little confused as to what you are describing but if your going manual with the 2200, it just needs the flywheel, clutch plate and pressure plate.
87mazdamini   +1y
Take the old automatic flywheel off. then look at it. the bearing should go in the crank shaft
jbrewer56   +1y
ok... i dont have a camera rite now or i would post pics. the truck im building is a b2000 manual. the engine is a b2200 that had an automatic. the auto. stuff is off and in the back of the block is just a round plate aboutthe size of the pilot bearing., this is where i thought a pilot bearing for the manual should go. i figured out the difference between the pilot and throwout bearing...i just cant figure out if i can take this plate out somehow and put a bearing in, or if it is needed on this engine. thanks...
pont   +1y
Im not sure but the pilot bearing might go in the flywheel and the crank keeps it from pushing in to far.
jbrewer56   +1y
ok thank ya im still searchin for a diagram that shows how that whole crank, pilot bearing and flywheel goes.. thanks again...j.b.
mazdatweaker   +1y
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Post was last edited on May 14, 2009 06:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
mazdatweaker   +1y
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Post was last edited on May 14, 2009 06:05. This post has been edited 1 times.